birdmad Son of Zeus and the titan Leto

father of Asclepius the healer (whose talisman is the two serpents coiled about a winged staff)

Husband of Coronis who betrayed him for a man called Ischys

Apollo suspicious, set a crow to watch over Coronis.
In this time all crows were pure white, but when the crow flew to Apollo
to tell him
that Coronis had been
unfaithful to him,
Apollo ( Phoebus / Helios )
literally exploding with rage
the fire that flew forth from him in his anger burned the crow's feathers to black.

He blamed it for not keeping Ischys away from Coronis.

He struck Coronis dead and the infant Asclepius was raised by the centaur Chiron

but this is where and how i gained my black plumage
fu do you think anybody cares? 020719
een stomme kind i care
i think all that stuff is cool
mcdougall i had a dog once. i named him apollo. she was a black lab, and everyone said that it was a dumb name for a female dog. i named her apollo because of the black crow in that story. i didn't want to name her crow, so i decided apollo was better because crows are black because of him. 030114
silentbob stephanie's dog 030115
angie showtime at the apollo is really a fun show to watch
i enjoy apollo kids especially
i would always watch it late at nite during the summer with my mom
that was fun :)
what's it to you?
who go