cr0wl kathy, hil, and i had gathered at beth's house, my oldest daughter who was recently married this past june at robin_hill. it was our eclectic film night with south american wine, bizarre cheeses, fig cakes, charcuterie, and anchovies, but alas...beth wasn't drinking...and besides, earlier this week she had texted me about my dad's middle name and what was my uncle's name anyway?

"how would you like to be a grandpa?" she asked.
auburn :D

How would you like to be a grandpa?
unhinged yay 090529
jane congratulations, k! 090530
cr0wl thanks y'all...it feels good to take these delicate steps closer inside the rynomari circle, enjoying being a familiar part of the ongoing mystery.

kathy and i are definitely ready. rick, beth's husband, lost his dad a few years ago, so i'm going to be the lone grandpa. it feels right and timely..grooved and clicked into place...kathy's tenure as a nanny for two khazakstan orphans has ended since they're starting kindergarten, so she's free and willing to help beth build her nest...
unhinged make sure you teach the little one how to grow things, ski, clown, paint faces....all the things you love to do. i guess that would go without being said, but that is the good part. that you get to do all the good things without worry, stress, being the bad guy unless absolutely necessary.

i love watching my dad be a grandfather with my sister's kids.

last weekend, me and mother had a sleepover with my niece and nephew and little cousin. we fed them ice cream before bed. two cups each. ;-)
what's it to you?
who go