nom my brother's son was born today 070422
nom i haven't called since the day he was born

i'm a terrible aunt
Isaou What's he called? 070506
amy in red he will be 5. back in march I got him a t-shirt with the earth and a five around it. I got one for Maeve too. She's the niece, 18 mos younger. All these people are fairly matter of fact and unsentimental. I am too. That's the basic reason why birthdays go marked, but not effused over. when Noah was born some pope told me that Mother Mary effect goes unmarked around me, my family, my culture? I don't know. But I'm 100% positive that it's part of little Noah's purpose. An aunt should be knowledgeable. That's for (damn) sure. 120722
amy in red Yes nom. What's he called? 5 now too, I suppose. 120722
n o m i missed his birthday, but saw him after. still have the toys i got for him in my closet, one is a toy ferry. his name is j. he is my youngest nephew, and he has an older sister, my niece n. i get to see them more than my sister c's boys e. and a. they are up in the mountains. e is 12 now! i see them maybe once a year if i'm lucky. 120723
n o m e is my eldest nephew 120723
amy in red Interesting! 120723
nr i have a brand-new one (first biological niece or nephew ever) as of 10:02 central time this morning! 211005
raze congratulations! i hope he's healthy and happy and loved. all the good things. 211005
unhinged being an auntie has been one of the lights of my life; congratulations!

child_elegance on blue
tender square such wonderful news, nr! congratulations!! 211006
nr thank you, kind blatherfolk!

the writing on child_elegance is lovely, unhinged. i like how you compared a baby to a football; i joke with myfakeniece (best friend’s daughter) that holding her as a baby was like holding a football.

i haven’t met him in person yet, but he yawned on video and it was adorable. he has strawberry blond hair and full lips. he is a madison, wisconsin native, which is interesting.
unhinged me and robert (my close friend of twenty two years and roommate of ten years) used to rent a car and drive to madison to eat every black friday

gail ambrosius chocolates in madison still make me drool even though it's been a decade and i work in a chocolate factory now

my niece is a ginger; she's a sophomore in college now though. that and my rapidly approaching fortieth birthday are making me feel old
nr ooh, i will do my best to check out this chocolatier. 211006
unhinged omg nr

if you like chocolate even a little bit you must check her out. she went to france to learn how to make truffles and she matches the terroir of the beans to the fillings. her raspberry truffles are like bites of sunshine. there's quite a few fancy truffle shops here in seattle and they all pale in comparison.
nr unhinged: we went today, and realized we'd been before! it's not too far from my sister and brother-in-law's place. but i don't think i bought any chocolate last time. i definitely did this time, including a couple of the raspberry truffles. EVERYTHING so is indeed just... mouth-melting.

i met the little guy today. he's so sleepy and sweet and tiny and surreal.
nr i didn't mean to type "so is" but... it just SO IS. 211007
epitome of incomprehensibility Adding (late) to the chorus of congratulations, nr! I'm sure you are & will be an amazing aunt!

Some of my best aunts are aunts!

But seriously, some of my favourite relatives are aunts. I owe a great debt of gratitude to Debra for encouraging me when I was worried that my job wasn't "good" enough and answering my out-of-the blue questions about Montreal neighbourhoods for my novel. And even more to Sarah for teaching me batiking and, this past winter, for believing that I could do another degree when my whole immediate family was against it.

I think that it helps to have an older person outside of the whole parent/child dynamic to talk to.
e_o_i Oh yes. Also.

I don't have nephews or nieces, but I saw my cousin's children when I was in Arden in September. They're 10 and 12 - an age where they have grown-up-like conversations and definite tastes in music (at least, the older one, the boy does) but they can still just be plain goofy.

One minute, they're in a serious discussion about how athletes are expected to look pretty as well as being physically ready for whatever sport they're doing. The next minute, the younger kid is bouncing on an exercise ball and exclaiming, "We should dye our butts BLUE!"

(There was a thread of connection, I swear. The idea was how to get people to look at you if you were an athlete who wanted attention, or something.)
unhinged please enjoy one of those raspberry bites of sunshine and snuggle that baby for me

is known as 'the baby whisperer' by her BIL
kerry wish i had one. i do remember holding my cousin's kids when they were babies, i was nine and then twelve, and now they are taller than me and his face has barely changed and she looks like a porcelain doll and i have no idea how to talk to them. 211008
tender square i have two nieces; one who just turned 16 a few days ago, and another who is 6. i wish i was closer to both of them, but i'm estranged from both of my older sisters. it sucks that my lack of a relationship with their mom's creates a trickle-down effect in their lives because i'd love to be there for them. 211008
nr he's nearly 3 months old now and the most adorable, fun, smiley fella. such a tiny human with such a big personality. 211226
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