psychobabe i miss you.. 030604
guitar_freak really? i miss you too. Let's chill. gimme a call and we'll go do something fun! :) 030605
psychobabe yay :) 030605
0of46 i'm drowning in chocolate, emo, and romantic comedies

i miss you...
belly fire I dreamt I found you sitting on a shelf in an old department store with handmade clothes...only your top lip was a little drooped
I explained to the saleslady that my Sarah-doll was at home
but she would not sell...
cr0wl your hands are healing stars
your scars
are marbles colliding
and scattering like planets
in a gossamer,
sassafras-scented proustian memory

this is being done
for the first time

alone it wobbles
coupled it cries
separated it ripens
what's it to you?
who go