Q Surely personality makes it whatever it is, unless it's the rain or the wine or the poetry or the snow or the wee hour or the torch blazing from the eyes and defying all the night, or the red polka dot dress draped over the chair over there. 030129
distorted tendencies He used to be so isolated and emotionless.

Now he smiles and laughs.
Heffable Horralump Il faut accepter la personnalitè comme elle est. Il ne faut jamais regretter qu'un poète est saoul, il faut regretter que les saouls ne soient pas toujours poètes. 031218
nr i feel like i'm always on the cusp of everything or somehow a contradiction.

independent yet dependent

self-contained yet lonely

wanting control yet indecisive

passionate yet lazy

wanting one career path but not being sure about it, yet not quite wanting to leave the current career path despite not being sure about it

always right in the middle with those left/right brain tests

even did one of those myers briggs-type tests recently, and i'm basically an
INFP, ISFP, INTJ, INFJ, ISFJ, ... i guess, to save time, everything was close except for the I, which was pretty consistent. (i think i relate most to the ISFP profile.)

it just makes me confused a lot of the time about what i want. i guess i can adapt. but will i ever be able to truly love something?
nr maybe i should just approach my life path as a joke. there was an episode of friends where ross said something about how he initially pursued paleontology on a dare or joke or something, and ended up loving it.

i mean, maybe sitcoms aren't best for life lessons. but risk-taking and not taking oneself too seriously could pay off.
what's it to you?
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