Q The sun and moon would dance a tango if you would visit. 020408
peyton ditto 020503
mademoiselle 'said if you want to go dancing, you got to wear a tuxedo;
and we could do the tango wherever we go

bedroom_dancing with you
mademoiselle why am I always alone when I need to dance with someone? 050209
Q Yes, this is an excellent question, too often pertinent for yours truly. :( 050603
raze we didn't mean a thing to each other. and yet we danced as if our lives were on the line. i still don't know where all that pent-up passion came from. all i know is for a moment our grade school gymnasium was a tiger pit, and we were the sleekest beasts within it, tightly coiled and poised to devour anyone who dared to separate us. 230310
what's it to you?
who go