anomienuit everyone refreshed their screens,
during the great social media
outage -
banging on the doors of a locked church,
knowing they'd forget the prayers
they intended to say if had to wait
for tomorrow.

how else to know your grade school
crush put her mother in the ground,
or that her cousin with the band
you felt was overrated
opted for the cobb salad
at the diner you've been to once?

sincere colors, filtered confessions,
all bottle-necked
and forced back into us for a day.
suddenly we have to receive
as the world
does daily,
the poison of the empty triumphant bulletins,
our ritual soul-letting.
we have to swallow back
what we desperately need out.

work emails still come in,
from people we do or should know
or will have to know
under the old ways.
each slat on the braided ladder
of closed blinds,
is backlit by sunlight,
causing them to glow
at the rectangles' top and bottom
with the abstracted sun.

the world behind blinds,
not reduced to the track ride
of algorithms
is immense and quiet,
no ads or autoplay music,
full of plants and the dumb fiddling
of cats and strollers.
it chirps along
on instructions not aimed at us,
but just discerned and grown
within us.

I'd like to like it
but no buttons are provided.
I'll refresh again,
my prayers will be collected,
and I'll be told
as I need now daily,
that I'm holy and seen
even with the blinds drawn tight.
unhinged . 211006
what's it to you?
who go