BTS I have become a fraction of the sum 010807
sighcatcher could we be halves of a whole? 010807
madness that depends on whether you let me come live with you. please? 010807
the eye i'll do it, but i should advise you that i dont imagine it will be easy
maybe not even comfortable.

but i am at your service

i offered once
to take you in if you needed

i meant it
still do.

how soon?

i just need a few hours to clean up.

i'll get this place hospitable.
you caught me in the middle of a messy phase.
madness we'd make a mess of it anyway
the drippings and the sex smells
the burning of blood cooked skin
the eye ~~rolls back in socket from sheer ecstasy at the thought~~ 010808
the eye it almost scares me how much i hate you now. 050810
sab over the threshold.

does that mean ive jsut married it?

all space is here, all time is now.
thats all well and good, but where the hell am i gunna put it all?

i married a zero
and it put itself on my finger
and lo we were married
what's it to you?
who go