raze she doesn't know how the pedals work yet, so she sits on her tricycle and runs to make it move.

she counts her steps:


and then she lifts her legs and glides. when she starts to slow down, she runs and glides again.

her skirt is a painting. light blue fabric dotted with snowflakes the size of fists. the lower half of her body is the sky the way it might look two months from now, and it billows in the wind her movement makes. her long brown hair is everywhere.

i'm a bird, she thinks. i'm a beautiful bird.

"you want to come back?" her father calls after her. "honey?"

she isn't listening. she isn't looking back. she's too busy flying.
tender square (this is absolutely adorable; love the innocent energy throughout.) 210925
raze i saw it happen in the park this morning, and it felt like a little bit of magic unspooling right in front of me. i thought it was such a great way to work around a limitation, toohow she invented her own way of generating momentum without the pedals. 210925
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