jane i cannot stop hearing his voice in my head. 160112
raze "steely resolve
is falling from me
my poor soul
all bruised passivity
all your regrets
ride roughshod over me
i'm so glad
that we're strangers when we meet"
raze "pin ups" got savaged by music critics when it came out. it still doesn't get much respect in most quarters. people call it "throwaway". people call it "inconsistent". i think it's one of the all-time great party albums, even if it's serving as the soundtrack for a party of one. i mean, if you can't appreciate david_bowie singing "here comes the night" as a camp anthem and warping "i can't explain" into smooth glam metal, i don't know what to tell you. 210910
raze there are at least fifty tracks i would put on my list of favourite david_bowie songs ahead of "be my wife". and yet that's the one that always gets stuck in my head at random moments, for no apparent reason at all.

brains are funny things.
what's it to you?
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