mon zoned out on the tv screen
image repeat image repeat
lost track of the clock
blood on faces on glass and
a women being carried she almost
looked dead she looked dead
mon a woman being carried she almost
looked dead she looked dead
a woman
mon in a park musicians play gathering folk instruments with tunes
chess is the game coffee and cigarette papers conversation forgot
his name whoever he was going to moscow
said we seemed to have such opposite lives and i wondered ?really?
i sent him my story of the pilgrim
he said he enjoyed it and that i would
like the shops of his city that i should visit
Mandy ...not constantinople 031120
scuzz Istanbul is beautiful. 031120
mon earthquakes and crusaders 031120
novelty hit of the 1930s Istanbul was Constantinople
now it's
Istanbul not Constantinoble
So if you've got a date
in Constantinople
She'll be
waiting in Istanbul

Even old New York
was once New Amsterdam
Why they changed it,
I can't say
People just liked it
better that way

Istanbul was Constantinople
now it's
Istanbul not Constantinople
Why did Constantinople
get the works?
That's nobody's business
but the Turks.
badersatch really?!? 040308
what's it to you?
who go