kyla Like the dinosaurs, who left behind them birds and reptiles, diminutive versions of their former selves: You will say mountain glaciers are still quite large, from a human standpoint, which we are all wont to take. But, when I am very sad, I sometimes imagine the continental field of ice under which I would be now crushed. And the thought brings the most beautiful glitter to field of vision. 040512
kyla MY field of vision.

pilgrim I once stood Hitchhiking near the base of the Columbian Glacier in Alberta,
It was a Warm Sunny Day in Mid Summer,
The Cold Air Flowing Down the Slope from the Ice Sheet a Mile Away forced me to don several shirts and my jacket and it was still like standing in the freezer. The Ice Age is Not Over, It is Lurking in the High Mountains Biding It's Time.
magpie across the water and over the mountain
it's up there in the high alpine
living. moving. melting.
(the glacier)
magpie -carving the rocks-
shaping the forests
magpie -feeding the salmon- 040512
what's it to you?
who go