raze clench the throat like a fist. it's a taut remembering things you wanted to say, but the throat kept them there. it stretches farther than you'd think the absence of breath would allow. you are an abscess. you are an exit wound on fluorescent display. we pick our teeth with dirty nails & exposit ravenous blood clots in your skinny ditch.

show me.

show me when you are what you want to be.

show me a lifeless smile.

in testing the bleeding of a split lip, i keep biting the broken flesh in an act of animal magnetism.
birdmad lips and eyes held shut by elegantly cruel devices that would make the living weep if they wore them, flesh as unyielding and cold as stone.

last respects paid to an empty vessel.

they moved away and the "house" is boarded up
what's it to you?
who go