auburn You make my head spin. 110702
auburn And now I'm dizzier than I've ever been. Clinging to every word that you say to me. I'm lost in expression and passion and my heart burns as I try to think of a future where I don't get to touch your face and give my eyes into yours and place your hair behind your shoulder and press my hand into yours and watch as your lips move when you speak so boldly and be amazed that I get to sit beside you and daydream about road trips and Friday nights alone in your room and sing to you so that you melt into me and cry over how I can't be with you enough to make my veins stop beating your name and what if I don't get to feel my lips quiver as they meet yours what if I never say goodnight from beside you or miss the way you breathe a certain way when you're asleep…what if I never get to hold you?

My heart is emptying everyone out who has ever been there and I can't stop the falling that's happening.

I'm burning. For you.
auburn I miss you. And it hurts to breathe when I'm around you.

Are you ever mad at the universe?
jane (yes) 111007
gja If you are not pissed off with the world then you're just not paying attention. 111007
hsg Who said this? 111007
kasey chambers sung it. 111007
i love kasey chambers. 111011
auburn There is a you-shaped hole burnt into my heart. It fucking hurts.

How long does a scar take to form? Heal?
auburn It doesn't seem to matter how long since it passed...

I'm still stuck in the moment with(or without) you.
auburn You're the only one I've ever lost sleep over.

Forgive me if I can't meet your gaze. It's still electric for me. And thoughts race no matter how hard I try

Adele is right.

I always lose myself in time at the mention of your name.

You already know I hang on every word you say

The same parts of me hope you do and do not ever see this.
auburn You and I are both trapped in this longing

You for something you once had. Me for something I've never had.

You wrote that when you are fighting a war that is over nothing that it's best to be on the winning side.

If the war is over nothing there aren't really any winners?

Just feels like perpetual loss…an eternal sigh.
lux it's_not_easy 111115
auburn I could die when you cry--it's like every part of me burns..

And then you smile…and there's a wave of peace--a peace I can't create on my own.
auburn Sometimes I think I sigh so intensely my ribs start to crack. 111124
auburn You gave me butterflies last night. Sigh.

I had two endlessly vivid dreams following. Sighhhhh.
auburn This is me. Thinking about you again. Still.

Oh beautiful girl
auburn I truly want you to be happy.

And you can be. You will be. Maybe you already are.
auburn Here's the constant: you are always on my mind

Do you already know this? Does it bother you?

Maybe it doesn't make sense. It doesn't have to. It just is.
auburn I will always wonder about you. I will always want to hold your hand

I will always be sad I don't get to tell you that I love you

I do. Love you

How could I not long for you?

I'll keep my promise. To try and be, just be, your friend. But every word I've ever said is still true. Your presence is electric for me. Your eyes touch me in shivers all over

You will always be the secret that I wish I could have told
auburn Couldn't we reward ourselves for all our good behavior with just a little bad behavior? Pretty please? 120124
auburn I tried to keep my hands as occupied as possible because I didn't trust myself enough not to grab yours. 120127
auburn Well this is quite the form of torture 120127
auburn Fighting every inch of my fibre. I still want you so badly. 120217
auburn Fighting every inch of my fibre. I still want you so badly. 120217
auburn I'm sorry for coming on so strong. It's just that I'm still sad over the fact that we won't ever be together. 120221
auburn I'd uproot my entire life for a chance at one minute to hold you. For a chance to tell you how you make me feel. 120222
auburn Not that it matters, I can't stop loving you. 120310
lux forget about her.
think about me.
auburn here?
you don't want my thoughts. they never become anything but water and oil or vinegar and baking soda. incompatible or explosive.

I've always been generous with my thoughts--always many, always free. Blather is the only willing recipient. And sometimes even it is cold and unreceiving.
lux it may prove enlightening. 120313
auburn Fantasy. Cruel and relentless.

Why can't I just let you go?
lux women have a way of catching us in their webs.

spindly temptresses, indeed.
auburn Pictures of you make me melt in ways I thought I just might have learned to get over...except...not quite.

auburn Fuck, I miss you. Every damn day. 120522
lux i know what you mean.

her girlfriend
(who knows
i kissed her)
put a picture up
today --

her eyes
are always

smoldering, laughing, mysterious,
deep, dark, beautiful.

you can see why
after some tequila
i couldn't help
but kiss her.
auburn So we're 'best friends' now...

How many of your best friends are in love with you?

Guess it'll have to do.
lux after the death of a close friend,
one of them sat me down in the kitchen, at night,
strangers milling around in the other room, drinking all my booze, listening to jobim on my record player, until 4 a.m.

we sat across from each other, and in his [allegedly] carpe_diem attitude (i blame the whiskey) he told me he had developed "strong feelings" for me.

i thanked him for his candor, and replied that i was a mess.

other than his confession, which i perceive to be an admission of unrequited_love, nobody is in love with me.

i'm falling for her, though.

and her hands, and her kisses... they do nothing to cease this.
auburn Every damn time

I'm so done with falling in your presence 
Swimming in your scent 
I've been dizzy for days
Since the 300th time I've seen your face
The ache in my chest matches the pit in my somach 
An empty I didn't request
Stuck with cliches 
All the knee-buckling, head-spinning, heart-skipping
Forgive me this weakness
I think it's innate
Awake the moment I felt you 
And I hate wanting to be her
So I can sketch a full galaxy of constellations onto you
My fingers tracing from jaw curve to hip curve
I've never been so divided 
Between want and reality 
A grand canyon between the you I dream and the you I have
You earned my tears in words too quick to scribe 
Touches too light to believe 
And in moments too far apart to remember 
I'll never be the same
Not since I came upon this branching written into my palm
A destiny line split in two 
I swear I'd run so fast, so far the other way
If I didn't believe every path would lead me straight to you
Because here I am again
With heaviness and holes 
Again again 
And every damn time
auburn Just as I'm feeling so particularly confident that we can be solid friends, I have to go and dream you so hot and heavy.


Your eyes were so wide and so dark and the depth of desire was so real. How am I supposed to recover from images like these??
no reason i'm not
sometimes a connection is confusing

labels are on their way out anyway, it seems
lux i_need_closure. 120719
leif I like trouble. 120814
auburn I just hate how muddled over you I can be.

Can't I just not want you? Ugh.

I wish you struggled with even a percent of the feelings I have for you.
what's it to you?
who go