raze the hardest thing i have slams into the most breakable part of you, a pouch of two asymmetric egg-shaped marbles i've only seen as a bulge beneath two layers of cotton, and i watch your face change as the calcium cracks. you're laughing, but it isn't funny. i should know. you do it to me all the time. 220314
kerry my left knee hurts.

i started noticing it when i was in therapy sessions, which are either 50 or 90 minutes of sitting. i switched the cross of my legs and felt a sharp pain in my left kneecap. on my way home, going down the stairs to the subway, it stung with each step. on the train i stood for all four stops, not wanting to aggravate it. i tried to joke (inwardly) that it turns out stiff knees are a work hazard of doing therapy. ha! ha ha!

(the real hazards are counter-transference, secondary trauma, accumulated arrogance, and general gloominess, though i have those more or less under control for the time being)

i've heard people say things like "oh knee injuries/knee pain oh that's the worst," "oh knee pain once you've got it never really goes away." i knew a guy who injured his knee playing soccer--he was balanced on one leg when another player barreled into him and his body turned but his foot stayed in place, a kind of corkscrew effect, and he stopped playing and wore a knee brace.

i am sitting with my foot propped up on top of the trashcan, which keeps my leg straight and horizontal. tonight i won't be sitting reading on the couch, i'll be sprawled out with my right foot up on the back cushion (because it feels good) and my left leg straight out, foot on the coffee table.
what's it to you?
who go