bijou he got new glasses. i want to tell him, baby, you are entirely too cool, entirely too much of a rock star to wear those adorable emo-boy glasses. you know which ones i mean. 020517
raze they aren't new now. but they were once. i got them after i sat for an eye exam for the first time in a decade and learned i needed a new prescription. not because my vision got worse. because it got better. or one eye made itself a little stronger, anyway. it took my brain a while to adapt to the change. i wasn't sure i'd be able to stick with it long enough to let the lenses do their work. so i bought some new frames and held off on doctoring the ones i was used to. the stopgap glasses were black and thicker than anything i'd fastened to my face before. they were less resistant to glare than i wanted them to be, but they did the job until the world stopped looking like a dream i couldn't wake up from. i don't wear them anymore. 240911
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