leni i saw stars,
she is my sun/centre
shining through the twinking nitrous

drawing i to her to me

toward her, i rode the waves
brilliant then triumphant
returned: a warrior
the little she
under my arm
leni her brilliant orbs
mapped every
detail of
my face

- she did not cry -

as though to know exactly who it was,

in whose hands
her life

as she memorised me

all i could do was love
leni words came
then went:
from the night
then drawn out and dwindling
in the days ahead
night often gifts me with words
then days forget them.

tired, so tired, some moments,

and giving more

wondering in a daze of days
without tomorrow or yesterday
every day is today,
and will be for some time

my world is suspended,
do things happen, still, outside?

inside my circus tent
there are only stripes,
and the old goat and kittens
chewing the canvas

though, now and then,
i draw open the door,
step into the sunshine,
smell the outside world
shining yellow and blue...

and i feel myself returning
the old her, growing into me again,
relief is this, though still so soft am i

and i must say,
must i?
because if i don't, i am bad,
because if i don't, i am a liar,
must say:

it is all it is cut out to be,
and more,
unlike anything i could imagine,
this new everything that i am in.

entirely new,
entirely wonderful,
and very hard.

this is my life.
i am living it.
leni the romance
the glitter
the glamour
still twinkles in the air
drifting and falling

will it stick to what moves in her space?
will it fall to the floor leaving only dust in and out of the shadows?

or only
plain plain

too much grey
too many hard angles
leni but now her blue orbs track me

six weeks until brown

always the count down
leni you i love still with my womb,
still reaches out to wrap you in,
a deeper love than any other,
my shoulders ache with it.
leni no one has ever loved like this
stupid - yet i believe it yet i don't
so many people fear this
i know why
leni flesh basin
and reaching muscle
curving to you across space

i wake
and whisper
for you, where are you?

but never close enough
leni tenderness
trace the arc
of eyebrow down to nose
a curve so perfect
it milks my heart

and eyelashes like the
toes of daddy-long-legs
clinging in a web
of dried water



leni nature's architect builds for resonance

the shape she sees resounds

beating her senseless


once she was beaten so much

she thought she would ever hurt again

but that was only numbness

there is always more
leni lying on my lap, she snores

i would sneak away
to the shower

but her neck pins my wrist to my thigh

i am
her bed
her pillow
her breakfast

lucky me
superleni suck

she whimpers and groans


she pauses she wiggles


when she is hungry
and i am not fast enough
her lips form an
angry chaos-filled square

when she knows she is close
she thrashes her head
like a shark
jaws open


this is serious business

breathing is sidelined

drinking life

essence of all she needs - but air


snuggled against
the piilows of sustenance
and comfort and warmth
fine dining
a five star feast
and feeding frenzy




leni are fears
to be faced or fled?
fleeting or feeding
nourished or fed
by speaking
leni your yell tears reality
your cry pierces the universe
brings the stars to cry burning comets
and rings the planets with pain
energy leaks from the sun
pouring toward you, to please you
the vaccuum of space is
colder, emptier
when you cry
leni she fears:
a once white
dust soiled dolly;
she fears:
pale-jeaned stick-thin long-legged men
running right-angles
she fears:
to know the things they do.
like hitting with a hammer
one of infinite
unique and precious glasses.
to know so many have been
chipped or cracked
bruised or scratched
even shattered even broken
-the lips who kissed them, cut-
and to know this is not uncommon,
this is not rare,
that love lies ripped or bleeding.

she sees her teeth
in psyche's mirror moon-pool,
evenly zigzagged,
a sharp fence and cage;
acute angles,
thin hard razors,
dissembowelling danger,
slicing threat's skin
and extracting the innards
of menace with cat's precision
and predator's pleasure.

then, to ward off evil;
to warn:
hanging socks (with gut garters)
and sausages (fat with
dead and rotting malintent),
over the hearth and phone lines
(emanates a scent-
hope and promise-
rose, sage and freshwater-
the dying of evil smells sweet)
straight line symbols
messages and magic.

that they might be safe forever.

a short forever?

Forever forever.

if there is not hope, there is nothing
leni not the end, anymore
not the furthest visible finger
of the fractal,
the future has turned a corner
and found the following
no longer dangling
& disconnected,
not the
at the


just a nestled link
in continuity
so embedded
the depth feels warm
is che 081009
what's it to you?
who go