crOwl spring wakes like a grumpy teenager, moaning, stretching, baring a brief glimpse of pale skin, rolling over, covering her tousled hair with a pillow of wet leaves. mother earth yells up to her from where she's heating up things, saying the frost-burned tulips will never bloom if she doesn't get her ass out of bed. father sky is busy making the sun rise. winter, returning from dipping his icy fingers into ponds and bowls of animal water, sits on the edge of her blankets, and then slips in beside her. "i'm so tired!" he yawns and lays down, his frigid feet touching her naked shins. "mom!" she shrieks, leaping up. and somewhere a crocus blooms. 070323
unhinged *scrunchyface* crowl


you put your cold hands on my bare back
and i was glad to warm them
you intently watched me from across the table
and i was glad to have your eyes on me
you kissed me when you got off the bus
and i was glad to have your lips on me
you told me i was gorgeous
and i felt gorgeous
you put your teeth in my flesh
and i was glad to have marks from them
you put a smile on my face
and i was glad my face hurt from it
you put the bubbles in my long awaited joy
and i was glad to be bursting with it

you make everything better
you make everything beautiful
you make everything bearable

my heart has twice shifted immeasurably in the past month by boys that love me. and they both live thousands of miles away. but my heart is full even while my hands and eyes are empty. when my heart is empty, now i have sweet sweet dreams to fill it.
crOwl visions i have had
require a lot of work
yet they've become real
unhinged this_time_last_year

my life was much more action_packed
what's it to you?
who go