leif is great.

And it is not enough.
unhinged i had a relationship like that once. i do not value sex all that highly in the grand scheme of relationships so i told him i didnt have romantic feelings for him. we tried to stay friends...that was a minor disaster.

just one link in the chain of why this girl doesnt stay friends with people she has sexual relationships with
flowerock Recently has been wonderful. Thought I'd share my good fortune. I fully appreciate my relationship. It is a well rounded one. Loving, in_love, friendship, attraction, codependence, independence, a little disagreement here and there to keep us ever improving and learning, over all agreement and very compatible, playfulness and chillness, checked and balanced and lately pretty awesome sexually. It's always been good but seems to be improving ... what next? From me or from.him?

I do enough complaining. Here is me rejoicing. Amazing physical and spiritual emotional connection explosion of love.
Open_my_soul more every time. Heart and body healing. This kindness and joy replacing hurt and buried shame and insecurity, squashing fear with all kinds of love and goodness. Positive_reinforcement for joyful_efforts : )
what's it to you?
who go