epitome of incomprehensibility you_are_gone beneath_the_wheel 220610
raze easier scary_thought 220610
tender_square shortest_winter nature's_mind 220611
tender_square this_is_the_noise_that_keeps_me_awake: rusty_gears 220612
raze something_happy: bright_orange_tree 220615
tender_square i_have_noticed_the_birds metro_haiku 220615
raze italy, i_am_peddling_through_the_rain

(because we all need to update foreign countries on our progress sometimes)
raze persist. walk_around_naked. 220618
nr needlessly_shitty time_capsule 220618
tender_square your_ghost riding_a_bicycle_down_the_stairs 220618
raze i_believe_you, kierkegaard. 220619
raze snakecharmer ambulance 220620
raze illegal_milk fleshburst 220621
raze i_want_to_be_fire.
e_o_i love_letter, a_black_letter 220623
tender_square strong and_even_when_its_right 220624
raze two_cuts: early_crushes

(accurate; early_crushes was followed by a sequel of sorts in early_crushes_take_two)
raze transcribed taxes 220625
raze national_language? nothing_new. 220626
tender_square drunk_writing letters_unsent

(i feel like that would make a great title for a book.)
nr your heart? coping. 220627
tender_square you_move lost_in_a_familiar_place 220628
raze naive pencil 220629
kerry hey_raze: _________like_you_give_a_damn 220629
raze what_money_cannot_buy: michelle_williams 220630
raze wrong ex_lion_tamer 220701
raze mister wonderland 220703
raze fisticuffs peak 220704
raze ugly volunteer_choir 220705
nr mindy, i_just_died. 220705
raze hedonism? word_word_word! 220706
e_o_i i'll_play_with_you out_of_body 220706
raze dropping portfolio_day 220707
raze make_money_not_art meteors

(but what if i *want* to make explosive art?)
raze resurrectionist clique 220709
raze jackie, freelance_whale

(a good name for a self-employed marine mammal, no?)
raze a_bunch_of_garbage deleted 220711
tender_square drifts_of_sleep drag 220712
raze listen_up, pepe_le_pew! 220713
e_o_i until_the_clouds_clear, don't_come_over_sick 220713
raze performance_review: today_we_work_hard. 220714
raze the_deep_blue_sea: a_story_worth_telling. 220715
raze beautifully primal 220716
raze marvelous remorse_code 220717
e_o_i poetically, I_fell 220717
nr eyes_wander when_it's_dark 220717
raze read_this, cayenne 220718
raze surprise, psuedo_dad! 220719
e_o_i I_want_to_know statistics 220719
raze maroon street_signs_you've_never_seen 220720
tender_square ol_dirty summer_is_almost_here_la_la_la_la 220720
raze the_vomit? innumberable. 220721
raze before_i_woke_up, self_sabotage. 220722
raze stagnant fishes 220723
tender_square do_not decided 220724
raze mayor condiments

(dilkens *would* use the city's budget to have a sauce or garnish made in his likeness. he's humble and community-oriented like that.)
raze tender forever_and_always 220726
e_o_i a_poem_for__ blending 220726
raze delicious blathe_without_meaning 220727
raze beside_manner basement_life 220728
raze guh. fingers moved too fast. that was supposed to be:

bedside_manner basement_life
tender_square so_so suicide_ideation 220728
tender_square *that was supposed to be

so_and_so suicide_ideation
raze ring_the_bell? je_ne_sais_quoi. 220729
tender_square drunk_biking drunk_blather 220729
tender_square smoking_point stuck_in_the_middle 220730
raze honestly? crutches. 220731
tender_square bent_under_some_obscure_burden, a_little_more_than_curious. 220801
nr strangers fail 220801
e_o_i penelope's_song deficit (PSD in the DSM-V) 220801
raze hi, sidelong_dualities 220802
e_o_i Am_I_really plasma? 220802
tender_square the_fallaway absent_eidolons 220803
e_o_i to_be_able_to_feel eating_a_burrito_before_bed

(I'll pass...gas, that is, if the said burrito has red beans as well as the smaller kind. Nightmares are more in the eating-sugar-before-bed realm for me, or maybe just being worried about a bunch of small things at once? Both?)
raze what_we_do_while_we_sleep: escape_the_past. 220804
raze sicksicksick grey_days 220805
raze janus_faced extra 220806
e_o_i summertime, a_narrative_urgency (urgency to write narrative? or to live it?) 220806
raze catherine shows

(what she reveals, nobody_knows)
tender_square wine_glass_and_blood fucking_bored_and_lonely 220807
raze "get_me_to_a_library_quick, jigsaw!"

(a bit of dialogue you *won't* hear in any of the "saw" films)
raze my_art_show: smudge_moon. 220809
raze speech_to_text glowing_black 220810
raze childless? it_couldn't_be. 220811
raze whisper_numbers_to_each_other: lists. 220812
tender_square whisper ordinary_sadness_of_the_world 220812
raze everything_is_temporary_now (the_story_of_a_nice_girl). 220813
tender_square its_been_long blue_velvet 220813
e_o_i making_out sardines

(is this the process of identifying sardines? or a noun phrase about sardines kissing?)
tender_square buckskin_woman picking_insects_off_plants 220814
raze why_would_i_do_that_for_what? revise. 220815
tender_square chronic absinthetic 220815
raze underestimated absinthe_diary 220816
tender_square wee_hours; things_i_wish_i_could_catch_in_a_bottle. 220816
raze nature's_mind chemicals

(another name for drugs that grow out of the earth)
raze someone_stole_my_little_giant. why_should_i_choose? 220818
tender_square emotional_stunts: withholding_is_exploding 220819
e_o_i as_for_me_i'm_stumbling all_of_sudden 220819
raze garfield_and_friends: punk_to_indie

(the musical evolution of a sardonic cat and his over-eager human)
e_o_i lost_girl_seeking_new_tunes, vaporizing_flowers 220820
tender_square morning_sunshine lobotomy 220821
nr last_night_i_dreamed_of_quincy_jones inebriated 220821
raze i_don't_even_remeber_your_first_name, ants. 220822
tender_square my_own_row_to_hoe forever 220822
nr yeah, clown_knows. 220822
raze what_we_seek: elements. 220823
tender_square there's_a_future_in_these_lives whispering_prayers_in_portuguese 220823
raze it_is_larger empty 220824
raze (well, i mucked that up. that was supposed to be "it_is larger empty", and i misread it as two_words instead of three. now i gotta make a blathe for "it_is_larger", i guess.) 220824
raze embossed feminist 220825
raze penderecki, turn_the_rock_over. 220826
raze illusion: bloomin'_magnolia 220827
raze screeze who_you_know

(words to live by)
raze inappropriate stranger_in_the_mirror 220829
tender_square the_opposite_of_trust: suspicion. 220829
raze 'tis_an_ill_cook today 220830
raze (what the crap? i copied that straight from the home page, and it still didn't work. _tis_an_ill_cook today. there. bite me, you piece of shit apostrophe.) 220830
raze (and that didn't work either. i give up. i guess that blathe just doesn't want to be linked to.) 220830
tender_square spaceships sunbeam 220830
raze fire_and_soul: my_own_row_to_hoe. 220831
tender_square gonads avalanche 220831
e_o_i fattening the_red_tire_swing 220831
raze love_is_the_ink_that_won't_wash_off. dust. 220901
kerry mosquito teething 220901
raze spring_break mumble_jumble 220902
tender_square the_sex, pregnant_with_uncertainty. 220902
raze conditions_of_the_nerve_endings? what's_this? 220903
e_o_i I've_been sunbeam 220903
e_o_i I've_been sunbeam 220903
e_o_i I've_been sunbeam 220903
raze policeman slush

(a pretty dead-on assessment of this city's police force)
kerry creepy_and_weird appetite 220904
raze anxiety? fuck_it. 220905
tender_square if_you_complain_ everyone_likes_it 220905
raze remembering when_the_house_of_cards_falls 220906
tender_square a_picture_i_didn't_mean_to_take (get_out_of_my_mind!) 220906
raze causes spoken 220907
raze calm coins 220908
e_o_i husbands_gone marbles 220908
raze coliseum arrivals 220909
tender_square sorry_and_glad_together: aaron_lewis. 220910
raze dont_think_of_me from_memory 220911
tender_square music_you_should_be_listening_to: existential_wind 220911
raze work_sounds fixated 220912
raze days_of_september, i_cannot_have_you. 220913
raze skirt here 220914
tender_square union_pool walrus 220914
raze my_best_souvenir breaking 220915
raze jump_shot beyond_imagination 220916
tender_square between_the_bars: muted_selves 220916
raze dusty_jasmine drifting_behind 220917
tender_square soil the_winter_birds_at_robin_hill 220917
raze overdoing_it: an_absence_of_sway 220918
tender_square heartbrake magick 220918
raze in_late_december_ dont_hate_me 220919
raze cough. she's_got_you_high. 220920
tender_square massage under_the_red_moon. 220920
raze troubling phonetics_in_a_nutshell 220921
tender_square i_almost_got_bit_by_a_snake (this_is_not_a_song) 220921
raze retro fever_ray 220922
tender_square what_does_that_mean, hyphen? 220922
raze clouded crumpled_fifth 220923
raze broken_heart limbo 220924
raze indifferent, i_said_nothing. 220925
e_o_i wine, smallworldishly 220925
raze what_life_is: mail. 220926
e_o_i I'm_on_top_of_the_world, trying_to_explain 220926
raze more_delicate_than_he_looked; like_an_unknowing_mule. 220927
raze twenty_years_gone. tiny_kill_or_remedy? 220928
raze is_this spaceghost? 220929
raze naming one_for_the_thumb 220930
tender_square this_world_is_not_for_you, hot'dog! 220930
raze new frozen_grapes

(they're better than the old ones with freezer burn)
tender_square child_of_my_heart: a_story_of_sunset_and_birdsong 221002
raze morphic_resonance masquerade 221003
raze happy_green_day. thats_all_lies. 221004
raze serpent tenacity 221005
tender_square it_came_to_this: blather_chocolate. 221005
raze past_life_of_martytred_saints: exercising_demons 221006
tender_square i_want_to_love the_fine_art_of_selfdestruction 221007
tender_square everyone_hides_who_they_are, scars. 221008
raze castle shady_pete

(that's a fine name for a castle)
raze lose dreaming_again 221010
tender_square everyone_is_mostly_illiterate swearing_at_dictionaries 221010
raze annika the_extremely_ideal

(all people should have titles like this)
raze strange_redemptions: the_dust_storm 221012
raze triangle_equilateral pieces 221013
tender_square knocking elsewhere 221013
raze what_the_moon_eats: april_fools 221014
tender_square fleeting_twilight her_eye. 221014
nr you_think_it's_like_this, uncle_joe? 221014
tender_square boreal screaming_in_the_dark 221015
tender_square magnify_me, dark_triad. 221016
raze emotional_packrat lost_in_the_trees 221017
raze what_makes_you_afraid_of_sleeping? go_away. 221018
tender_square alphabet battle_of_mud 221018
raze bat little_free_library

(because bats read books too)
raze the_pizza_guy toad

(a new superhero the marvel universe is ready to beat into the ground, no doubt)
raze i_haven't_seen_it_all (feast_or_famine) 221021
tender_square red_is_not_complete, a phantom_phone. 221021
raze cold, getting_up_too_late. 221022
raze compulsion dialogue 221023
raze "you've_changed, balls."

(so said the disgruntled adult film star to the wizened tools of his trade)
raze simply_irresistible southern_comfort 221025
e_o_i drowsy snot 221025
raze hash hypnotised 221026
raze that clearly should have been:

hash hypnotized
tender_square (current mood):

i'm_done. it_makes_me_angry.
raze garfield_and_friends blurred 221027
tender_square i_take_my_pills, panacea. 221027
raze your_mother_and_i fade 221028
tender_square new_moon environment 221028
tender_square personal_ad returning

("excuse me, this personal ad failed to get me a significant someone; i'd like a refund.")
raze cheer_up_pay fortitude 221030
tender_square tide lizard_music

(a good band name, no?)
raze auntie_nicole_is_freaking me_and_dylan_thomas 221031
tender_square "alligators that_didn't_age_well"

(a new national_geographic special)
tender_square focus_group (if_someone_asked_me) 221101
raze stand_there_and_watch_me_burn, canaries. 221102
nr it's_come_to_this, emily_dickinson. 221102
nr oops, it's actually it's_come_to_this, emily_dickenson. 221102
raze oddly_evocative bad_idea 221103
tender_square the_most_beautiful_trees, closer. 221103
raze sewing the_reflecting_pool 221104
tender_square locker_room_life report_card 221104
raze on_the_train, hurricance. 221105
tender_square buffett fragrance

(a new cologne for him)
raze ice_soul shake 221106
tender_square himalayan_dreaming (of) smoked_gouda 221106
raze cold_red_walls in_a_deep_vein_that_cut_to_the_world's_core 221107
raze build_me_a_world. stretch. 221108
tender_square back_and_forth the_body_talks 221108
raze blatherskite_park (beautiful_words) 221109
tender_square andrew_bird, solitude_guardian.

(that makes him sound like a superhero.)
raze first_cut_hay, singing_in_the_shower.

(and then what?)
tender_square marathon_calculation trouble_

(a new mind fitness test for nerds)
raze pickles, today_is_the_day. 221111
tender_square talk_to_me (the_loss_of_silence) 221111
nr merryish_christmas, idaho. 221111
raze new slow_elevator_to_second_love 221112
raze spiders: better_than_cake 221113
raze today_i_dream_of inside 221114
raze you_are_mistaken, butterfly_on_the_wood_stack. 221115
raze unamerican sporange 221116
tender_square rock philosophy_begins_with_me 221116
raze green_world. brave_new_world. 221117
raze guardian rummage 221118
raze fist cockpit 221119
raze habitual bush_of_ghosts 221120
tender_square windsong, the_gift_i'll_always_treasure. 221120
raze word_hole ruiner 221121
raze (i didn't even realize i used those two in my three_words from yesterday. here's two more to make up for the oversight.)

you_learn_something_new reading_back
raze overreacting dancer 221122
raze infringement jars 221123
tender_square why_bother pillows? 221124
raze father's_day scent 221125
raze acid: it's_a_mad_adventure 221126
e_o_i the_extremely_ideal sugar_on_top 221126
tender_square confusedness when_choosing_passion 221127
raze strong_eye_of_the_shaman loki 221128
raze kryptonite. what_a_concept. 221129
tender_square crap_of_shit impasse. 221129
nr broken_heart invoice 221129
tender_square staccato as_your_attorney. 221130
raze fire_at_will, punk_rock_princess. 221201
raze terrestrial dali 221202
tender_square to_the_man_i've_never_touched pulling_teeth. 221202
raze asking hogan_and_you 221203
raze i_read_myself wherever 221204
raze ignore joy_city 221205
raze i_need_this. go_to_hell. 221206
raze natalie_merchant musical_mixup 221207
tender_square headache quandary 221207
raze tips_for_writer's_block: journals 221208
tender_square raymond_carver, make_me_a_poem! 221208
raze bubbles ... what_a_grand_parade_of_phantoms. 221209
raze losssstttttttt paresthesiae 221210
raze it_ends_today, demolished_building. 221211
raze unwanted_rain before_i_woke_up 221212
past orgasm mondays 221212
raze why_should_i_choose trauma_but_concisely? 221213
tender_square oh_love your_last_voice. 221213
raze fanciful holes 221214
raze aerial chemicals 221215
tender_square i_hear_things; now_i'm_feeling_zombified. 221215
raze dishwater, you_think_too_much. 221216
raze dax drowned 221217
tender_square confirmed muahaha. 221218
e_o_i consumers at_the_train_station 221218
raze sorry_about_my_words (lament) 221219
raze spinning_is_not_whirling. dear_god. 221220
past the_stinky_cheese_man stalker 221220
e_o_i yard_sale dictionary 221220
e_o_i (tender_square, I was reading over the ones I didn't see before, and I laughed for a good five seconds at your "alligators that_didn't_age_well" + comment) 221220
past weaknesses after_every_thread_is_sown 221221
tender_square cluckford: congregative_birds 221221
raze monkey_on_a_wire, dammit. 221222
tender_square sip dudewhatthefuck! 221222
raze safe_haven saliva_suits 221223
tender_square granted pardon. 221223
raze frowning igloo 221224
raze escape, right_here_right_now. 221225
raze there's_always_a_siren. there's_a_black_cloud. 221226
raze i_want sophism. 221227
raze skirting_bored temperance 221228
tender_square spoken waves 221229
raze waitress words 221230
raze terroirism, clearly. 221231
past racoons: find_myself (the darker, grittier reboot of the kids tv show of my youth, where bert returns to the forest in an attempt to weather a midlife crisis.) 221231
raze annika, get_that_snow_shovel_over_there! 230101
tender_square stepfather torment 230101
raze burn meatloaf 230102
raze wise snake_swallows_the_sphinx. 230103
raze starting livin_without_you. 230104
raze tried_writing. forever's_just_a_weekend. 230105
raze butterfly_in_a_jar: aural_gold 230106
raze you_can_trust_me across_the_universe. 230107
tender_square assholes meet_cute 230107
tender_square four_on_the_forest_floor (silence_is_always_accurate). 230108
tender_square kansas_city disappeared. 230109
raze technicolour triglycerides 230110
tender_square the_future, proud_as_a_peacock. 230110
raze tilt_the_head. tension. 230111
raze in_all_honesty, exploding_shoes. 230112
raze essential police

(not so much in this city)
raze migraine pineapple_weed 230114
tender_square damp_dictionary breasts. 230114
raze coloradito? not_ready. 230115
raze dream_a_little_dream_of_me, jellybeans. 230116
raze its_alright, this_place. 230117
raze california kilokatrina 230118
raze sunrise rekindled 230119
raze every_single_night, somebody_says... 230120
raze random_fanmail neglected 230121
e_o_i temptation, rowr 230121
raze batman word_hugs

raze a_bullet_moving_in_slow_motion shouts_and_whispers. 230123
raze carry_our_unwantedness_somewhere_else, if_you_could. 230124
raze forget_about_me. you_are_a_bear. 230125
tender_square in_the_winter_sky: gristle. 230125
raze i_love_your_coat. let's_blame_the_braids. 230126
raze pepper: altruism_or_stupidity? 230127
raze no_nevermind_i_have_nothing_to_say. nocturnal_thinks_i'm_crazy. 230128
raze epiphany physio

(i should really go see one of those. my epiphany could use a tune-up.)
raze let_it_go, kathleen_edwards. 230130
raze freedom_is eye_candy. 230131
raze apple_pie in_smoke

(aka "a baking adventure gone wrong")
raze you_are_the_ocean. send_a_postcard_from_hell. 230202
raze kindness? fifty_fifty_odds. 230203
raze cranberry_juice sob_story 230204
raze new_contemporaries; dreams_within_dreams 230205
raze pooh_tao catharsis 230206
tender_square you_are_a_champion, seven_seas. 230206
raze flower_or_scar? she_tried_to_forget. 230207
raze one_word waits 230208
raze goat's_milk hyperdating 230209
raze inscrutable objectification 230210
raze interplay as_a_scientist 230211
raze muffle amy_poehler 230212
raze refreshed, float_on. 230213
raze dream_me_this hypnosis 230214
raze the_universe_is_always_listening. happy? 230215
raze how_are_you, white_beach? 230216
raze family_picture performance 230217
raze night_music: gravest_sin. 230218
raze don't_fuck_with_me_right_now, bruises. 230219
raze nature_conservancy_of_canada headstone 230220
raze i_am_holding_this_scrap_of_paper, making_tea_in_your_underwear. 230221
raze park while_my_dog_waits_in_the_truck. 230222
raze desert liquor 230223
raze spring's_in_the_quarter, waiting_for_godot. 230224
raze ball pecker 230225
raze mad_at_me? a_letter_to_elise. 230226
raze write_like_jeremiah: awful. 230227
raze sound_design falling_all_around_me 230228
raze grasped poorly 230301
raze mom, don't_cry. 230302
raze punctuation search_creature 230303
e_o_i the_great_market: big_ideas 230303
raze i_shant_be_desolate_without_you, troy. 230304
raze carry kelly_osbourne 230305
raze incorrect, what_i've_made_of_me. 230306
raze fixated on_realization 230307
raze somniloquy realist 230308
raze jesus_fucking_christ, your_lies. 230309
e_o_i twin_mother_daughter keychain

(it sounds like it'd be a nice gesture, like lockets that fit together - maybe things like that are sappy but I was into the "jewelry as friendship symbols" thing as a kid)
raze polka failures

(almost as tragic as tango failures)
raze create ant_autopilot

(because insects need a little assistance now and then)
raze caged_bird_sings, looking_back_and_forward. 230312
raze you_know_what_you_are? lovely. 230313
raze cure_for_depression training_day 230314
raze the_boy_with_the_moon_and_stars_on_his_head smells_like_me. 230315
raze dodge one_night_stand

(hey, if a durango is what gets you going, don't let me dissuade you. just make sure you're upfront with the suv before anything happens between the gears. they have feelings too, you know.)
raze the_curse_of_blond_and_blue penis 230317
raze when_nothing_changes, vectate. 230318
raze learn_to_walk_again (departure_unexpected) 230319
raze true tooth_hurty

(dishonest tooth not hurty so much)
raze unneeded beyonce 230321
raze realization: you_missed_all_the_drama. 230322
raze st_vincent snakecharmer 230323
raze sweets rainbow

(chew your way to the sour key bridge)
raze hungry, remembering miranda. 230325
raze ridiculous_thoughts: i_give_up. 230326
raze punching_the_floor. damn_burroughs. 230327
raze tuesday_night petrichor 230328
raze fruity ruin 230329
raze dive_first loving 230330
raze jeff_tweedy strawberry

(i'd eat it. after all, when the devil came, he was not bread. he was fruit, and he said: "chew on me.")
raze circlet shame 230401
raze yay, enemy! 230402
raze mike, take_this_part_of_me. 230403
raze runaway (true_fear) 230404
raze my_mind_is_exploding_from_within_my_head, nose_wise. 230405
raze stupid_answer_to_a_stupid_question (under_construction) 230406
raze any_way_you_can crap 230407
raze thursday beginning_to_end

(i think it did that two days ago)
raze what_birds_do ... is_it_over? 230409
raze thirsty_dream paraffin 230410
e_o_i eccentric no_shame_theater (naked people? silly dances?) 230410
raze red_clouds? preeeecisely. 230411
e_o_i Relatable to my recent past: Power_failure? All_I_need. 230411
raze not_used_to_it; wiser_again. 230412
raze flushed every_monday 230413
raze sensical trance 230414
raze awake, rebuild. 230415
raze go_out_on_your_shield. luck_was_green. 230416
raze using_people; we_can_be_equally_humiliated. 230417
raze sacred_and_profane stamps 230418
raze always_will_be hypocritical. 230419
raze burned_out bond 230420
raze accordian song_but_not_song 230421
raze inlet skycrack 230422
raze destiny: waiting_for_godot 230423
raze i_ain't_wasting_no_more_time. i'll_stop_the_world. 230424
raze behold. nothing_happens. 230425
raze poignant fortune 230426
raze anti_psychotic fly 230427
e_o_i carnal medley (it's either avant-garde porn or a platter of cold cuts) 230427
raze if_i_don't decide... 230428
tender_square cheese heartache

(where for art thou, gouda?)
raze temple? they_thought_it_terra_nullus. 230429
raze lessons_from_bunnies: incongruent_thoughts. 230430
raze incorrigable cottonwood

(again with the rabbit theme)
raze adult_learning games 230502
raze bold_enough? sometimes_i_wonder. 230503
raze whitney shackles

(now there's a name that's hard to forget)
raze i_blather_up_this_shit fasting. 230505
raze bird_dead_on_its_feet; pointless. 230506
raze remembering powers

(mine are on the wane)
raze pullover fate

(they all end up in the washing_machine sooner or later)
raze every_monday? poo_on_you. 230509
raze bone garden_variety 230510
raze ugly acheron 230511
raze sunflowers around_this_corner 230512
raze inexplicably_irrevocable weird_facts_about_me 230513
tender_square all_the_ways_i_am just_bitchin 230514
raze trembling giggle 230514
tender_square cold_beer tide 230515
raze you're_just_a_stone's_throw_away. amen. 230516
raze read_me_over_there_meanie. perhaps_a_poem_will_be_born. 230517
raze dammit, leaf_peeper... 230518
raze freefall grief 230519
raze days_like_this, building_that_beast. 230520
raze everybody_here_wants_you. i_am_happy. 230521
raze troubled_teen, unhinged_faith. 230522
e_o_i pancakes mate_at_the_beehive (so that's where the small Dutch pancakes come from - we were eating baby pancakes! conceived in beehives!) 230522
e_o_i on_my_green_nano_pod, apples_in_the_dark 230523
raze blather_loves_you, ranier_maria_rilke. 230524
raze one_man's_ceiling party_in_the_dark

(because it ain't a ceiling party if the lights are on)
raze blue_sky_and_sunshine being_just_the_way_it_is 230526
e_o_i try_to_believe trees_sound_different_at_night 230526
tender_square living_but_only_just sassy 230526
raze we_can't_do_anything_about_it lately 230527
e_o_i people_with_ears died_dancing 230527
tender_square left_me_with_a_lingering_insistent_question: where_do_beautiful_souls_go? 230528
raze kinship_modality_trap_mode oxygen 230529
raze blind_book_date self_loathing 230530
e_o_i perhaps_a_poem_will_be_born for_old_time's_sake 230530
raze poetry_lovers endure 230531
raze go_on_and_get_moving there_and_then 230601
raze and_i'll_say when_i_breathe. 230602
raze mobile omens 230603
raze ass_cramps, don't_mess_with_me. 230604
raze life_never_repeats the_arabian_nights. 230605
raze smart_and_tuff social_media 230606
raze whole_body_shaking listening_to_piano 230607
raze heart_shaped_baloon bliss 230608
raze spaceships we_miss_so_much 230609
raze potential_zone furnishings 230610
raze houston, please_stay. 230611
raze the_power_of_the_condemned fool 230612
raze peaceful cold_cuts

(an alternative to the typical turbulent sliced meats)
raze criticizing couch

(it's always telling me to sit somewhere else)
raze sweet_tango, old_pal. 230615
raze glowing_embers_of_the_original_explosion: the_stupid_shit_i_wish_i_remember. 230616
raze identity lingering_on_the_edge_of_my_consciousness. 230617
raze take_a_journey_with_someone large. 230618
raze skydiving band

(you could say their career kind of fell out of a helicopter after their first album)
raze found_buffalo, aged. 230620
raze a_pale_comparison for_once. 230621
raze there_is_a_parade_every_day. misery_is_the_river_of_the_world. 230622
raze instability pancakes 230623
raze my_default_emotion: waitress. 230624
raze seek liquid_balls.

(and so i shall)
raze proclivity graveyard 230626
raze elephant solving_all_of_my_problems 230627
raze mortally_wounded tators 230628
raze 4_am peppermint 230629
raze toxic dancer 230630
raze right where_i'm_going 230701
e_o_i new_york monster_in_my_bed 230701
raze campus_radio singers 230702
raze pedantic signal_to_noise 230703
raze when_lightning_struck tiptoes_and_fingertips 230704
raze the_innocence_is_further_enhanced, collaged. 230705
raze everyday_life liar 230706
e_o_i naming dark_chocolate 230706
raze slither, little_things. 230707
raze the_pope_smokes_dope. crows_fly_in_an_overcast_sky. 230708
raze i_have_no_desire claw.

(but if i neglect to trim my nails for long enough, i just might grow one)
raze highly_sensitive contour 230710
raze things_i_didn't_buy: a_smile_that_doesn't_travel. 230711
raze born_again_hedonist uncle_joe 230712
raze velvety half_asleep_poem_twenty_six

(i'm not sure i'd call it "velvety", but thanks, i guess?)
raze using_people? same_difference_to_me. 230714
raze you're_the_fool, culpability. 230715
raze coldweather_tourettes polka 230716
raze trees_sound_different_at_night, trembling. 230717
raze hitting_and_hating joie_de_vivre. 230718
e_o_i I_saw_you flying_into_sunrise 230718
raze we_own_the_sky? frightening. 230719
raze peet, what_the_fuck? 230720
raze eyed what_love_looks_like 230721
raze very_nice together 230722
raze change_of_address, daddy. 230723
raze murder finds_its_way_into_our_room. 230724
raze grant, transparent_cactus.

(prickly as he is, you can see right through him)
raze things_go_up_in_flames, cocooned. 230726
raze dudewhatthefuck? paint_me_a_quiet_world. 230727
tender_square you_taste_like wind_wind. 230727
raze effete recommendation 230728
e_o_i ruthless roof 230728
raze murder finds_its_way_into_our_room. 230729
raze inside_out chapstick

(for the reversed lips set)
raze weak_week_tweak in_these_seemingly_effortless_gestures. 230731
tender_square choo_choo tramp 230731
raze nailbind the_baby 230801
raze fucking_the_empty crutches

(that doesn't sound like the most enjoyable experience)
raze indian_summer? blah. 230803
raze twentyeighth vineyard 230804
raze i_saw_a_picture talking_in_the_cemetery.

(i think that's called a video clip, but never mind me)
raze sophistication: this_is_what_i_want. 230806
raze dream_germany: the_radiohead_experiment. 230807
e_o_i dancing_in_the_living_room and_sneaking_through_gardens 230808
raze i_smell_smoke. a_setback. 230809
raze happy_birthday_to_me. my_internet_is_broken. 230810
raze why_i_do_it: i_want_to_love. 230811
raze nosebleed_brokentooth barbecue

(it's a little rare for my taste)
raze personal offer 230813
raze sunburst as_my_breath_comes_in_gasps 230814
raze what_woke_you_up_this_morning? so_you_want_to_spin_the_world_around? 230815
raze why_now, pandas? 230816
raze up_and_in the_wind 230817
raze abandoned_summer, yet_oddly_refreshed. 230818
raze feeding_the_demons? defrost.

(demons don't dig frozen chicken)
raze the_need, the_cost_of_living. 230820
raze quote: "please_go." 230821
raze dear_cherry_street candy 230822
e_o_i 1990, something_that_changed_the_way_i_live_my_life 230822
raze there's_a_whole_world_outside yet. 230823
raze troublesome quentin_tarantino 230824
tender_square sugar daffodils 230824
raze voluptuous riddle 230825
raze scary_dream_happy_ending (just_wondering) 230826
raze what_right_have_i, deep_end?

(i too talk to swimming pools)
raze hinkley_build impostor_sydrome 230828
e_o_i I liked the parallelism of this one:

f_bomb superflous_s

(also, I imagine someone going, "Oh, fucks!")
raze if_i_didn't_know_your_voice, what_is_my_drug? 230829
raze what_the_moon_eats: poetic_justice. 230830
raze bread_that_expires_on_your_birthday (you_think_it's_like_this). 230831
raze gravy_illuminated midnite_vultures 230901
raze interpol_radio? ooh... 230902
raze bad_idea refresher 230903
raze astoria crutches 230904
tender_square smells_like runs 230904
raze damnit, rsvp. 230905
raze i_can't_sing deadly_sins.

(oh, but you can. you can sing anything.)
raze clean book

(dirty shelf)
raze reassuringly_immobile base 230908
raze cliche_blender superhero_name

(might i suggest "above and beyond man"? it's a cliche, *and* it implies the gift of flight.)
raze a_silent_death; the_gay_science. 230910
raze hands_up, ursula_rucker. 230911
tender_square karate toad

(a new summer blockbuster with the tagline "you don't want a taste of these legs!")
raze shoulda_known the_meek_shall_inherit. 230912
raze marginal demeaned_ego 230913
raze rolypoly dump_truck 230914
raze chicken wading 230915
raze maynard, the_world_has_turned. 230916
raze i_fucking_hate_you, phylon. 230917
raze a_fairly_normal_life waiting_in_wonder 230918
raze manimals, you'll_never_be_dehydrated_in_a_terrarium. 230919
raze redtree_ain't_innerviewin_me, cr0wl. 230920
raze double_life grudges 230921
raze hugging rapscallion 230922
raze flooded posh

(the dampest spice girl)
e_o_i attention_teenagers! keep_up! 230923
raze blackmail legitimacy 230924
e_o_i sun_dance: i_got_sunburned 230924
raze garbjarbly fiction

(such a difficult section to find in the bookstore)
raze palliative squirrel_themed_anxiety 230926
raze i_keep_screaming, "vacuum_cleaner!" 230927
raze sorry_and_glad_together; it_is_time_for_the_destruction_of_error. 230928
raze blather_dream_book arriving_somewhere 230929
raze existential_gas suspension 230930
raze not_for_me_to_say you_can't. 231001
raze her_name_is_calla spleen.

(does she prefer to be addressed as ms. spleen? or is it okay to call her calla?)
raze sounds_from_beyond, fitting_so_neatly_in_what_i've_devised_as_heaven. 231003
raze a_hunger_for_it? ask_doctor_stupid. 231004
raze what_made_you_smile_this_day, davidleigh? 231005
raze true_female_friend indecision 231006
raze boots swoon 231007
raze coconuts rattled 231008
raze snapdoodle coulda_been_great 231009
raze starve lady_marmalade 231010
raze indian tendrils 231011
raze my_own_row_to_hoe, brother. 231012
raze scent finding 231013
raze gyrating_through_some_lonesome_devil's_row when_they_rely_on_living 231014
raze clouded future_home 231015
raze what_we_talk_about_when_we_talk_about_love: the_darkness_invisible 231016
raze hat, i'm_only_stressing

(a fine david_bowie song)
raze elemental verameat 231018
raze i_told_you_the_truth: you_are_the_ocean. 231019
raze fuckin_happy songs_in_my_head_as_i_woke_up 231020
raze sara_and_jessi, relatives. 231021
raze confirmed paul_paper

(i prefer to call it "mccartney money")
raze chill, its_been_long. 231023
raze the_mouse_and_his_child mutated. 231024
raze solidified cheesy_jokes 231025
raze silent_night disbelief

(and that's exactly what i would feel if i ever had a quiet night)
raze treehouse conservatives 231027
raze a_statuette_of_sky: things_i_didn't_buy. 231028
raze highlight_of_the_day: kiss_on_the_cheek. 231029
raze ludicrous, opaque. 231030
raze screw_it. artisan_show. 231031
raze paranoid_polaroid editing 231101
raze lou_reed, get_the_red_out. 231102
e_o_i euphemism creep

(and raze, your Halloween combo is exactly what I feel right now)
e_o_i (Not really because of the show itself - on Nov. 17-19, aack - but because of all the things to do to get ready. Anyway! Onward!) 231102
raze i_was_only_trying_to_help, snowman.

(i didn't mean to break your carrot nose. i really didn't.)
raze freeze_frame getting_weird 231104
raze skipping storm_watch 231105
raze the_ass snakes_dressed_as_women.

(good old ass snakes. always trying to pull a fast one.)
raze so_could_i screen? 231107
raze mystery_jets: weird_new_symptom 231108
raze do_something_to_take_pictures_of revenge. 231109
raze contemporary_religion super_ego

(i gotta get me one of those)
raze handycam? very_punny. 231111
raze speculations support 231112
e_o_i personality traitor (what would that be?) 231112
raze something_that_changed_the_way_i_live_my_life: identification 231113
raze erich_kuersten_says, "life_itself_gently_fades." 231114
Soma she_is word_patterns 231114
raze mailbox rice

(i don't mind junk_mail i can use as the bed for a stir-fry)
raze we're_all_friends_here, so_now_get_up. 231116
raze tldr: these_things 231117
raze fucking_bored_and_lonely hibernation 231118
raze dropping spam_titles

(spittin' 'em like rhymes in a rap song)
raze lackluster_goodbye, w00t! 231120
raze loopy contortion 231121
raze conflagration capo 231122
raze spare_change? no_shit. 231123
raze do_you chill? 231124
raze mesopotamia simmer 231125
raze blow_up sly

(he's made too many "rocky" and "rambo" sequels)
raze poop. late_morning. 231127
raze eat_fear. overflow. 231128
raze selfishly save_my_place 231129
raze unwanted birthmark 231130
Soma breakthrough lips 231130
raze goodbyes preferred 231201
Soma emit those_three_words 231201
raze it_snowed. now_red_was_your_color. 231202
e_o_i sausage criticism 231202
e_o_i no, it was

sausages criticism

(you can't just criticize one sausage)
raze zeus: bold_boy 231203
Soma i_must_be_your_prey potato 231203
raze paying_attention: interconnectedness 231204
raze pie stilt

(to stand on it or eat it? that's the question.)
raze i_don't_even_remeber_your_first_name, britney_spears. 231206
raze goodbye_for_now, marihuana. 231207
raze another_world_is_possible to_fill_it_full_of_sand. 231208
raze torn borderlands 231209
raze mother, come_inside_go_outside. 231210
raze dont_think_of_me easily_squashed. 231211
raze not_the_end_of_the_world. surprise! 231212
raze hand_warmers? i_wanna_go_home. 231213
raze lcd_soundsystem: "tetris_attack"

(can't say i've heard that song)
e_o_i back_for_a_limited_time_only, under_the_bed 231214
raze our_hearts taking_head_on_the_dangers 231215
raze leather_pants correlation 231216
raze sing_me_to_sleep, wanting_silence. 231217
raze voluntary_gladiatorial_combat_club fastball

(that sounds pretty intense, as far as baseball goes)
nr i_fucked_up. culpable. 231218
raze silly fleshburst 231219
raze magnetizing fitz 231220
raze noisy rejection 231221
raze rested yellow_limo 231222
raze forgiveness. remember? 231223
raze smile_at_strangers. feel_this. 231224
raze grind in_the_grocery_store 231225
raze what_i_had_envisioned: macaroni. 231226
raze fruit_veil airport 231227
raze things_you_don't_know_about_me: sunday burns. 231228
e_o_i this_isnt_really_red, whoops 231228
raze dream_art twin 231229
raze and_now_with_sudden_swift_emergence, i'm_not_sleeping. 231230
raze aged cast_off 231231
e_o_i Fascism_begins_at_home, boo.

(Or is it a scary one: Boo! Fascism_begins_at_home.)
e_o_i ...and again, just for the strangeness:

my_observations: velcro_pancakes
raze agent_cooper gingerbread

(when cherry pie isn't an option, the man needs to have *something* with his coffee)
raze moonlight_madness (there's_a_whole_world_outside) 240102
raze we_joke_about_it, taciturn. 240103
raze philosophical_cab_driver, tell_someone_they_look_good. 240104
raze radio voucher 240105
raze the_good_kind_of_strange: inert. 240106
raze the_urge_to_dance exceptionally 240107
raze oh_alberta, i_could_write_anything. 240108
raze existential_wind: joanne_and_you 240109
raze kissing flash_patterns 240110
raze eating_stars? i_should_do_something_about_that. 240111
e_o_i Ah, three_words, so you've encapsulated how I feel about an old Cedar_Christian_Academy teacher:

Things_that_remind_me_of_you: drug_laws.
raze infinite awe_to_see_my_scars 240112
raze i_keep_screaming, "pleasant_fiction!" 240113
raze die, sparrow.

(that's german for "the sparrow")
raze passion_or_security cookies?

(i gotta go with the passionate cookies here)
raze end_corporal_punishment (that_didn't_age_well). 240116
raze "i_do_not_understand" zone

(a zone i've inhabited plenty of times)
raze it_couldn't_be hats. 240118
e_o_i indexing some_things 240118
raze being_heard barefoot 240119
raze accident_prone angel 240120
raze wrestle chemical_happiness 240121
raze swimming xmas_tree 240122
raze relational_rational collarbone_drop 240123
raze somebody_that_i_used_to_know (maybe_she's_right) 240124
raze swelling puppy 240125
e_o_i spin_the_bottle! (a_simple_request_from_a_simple_man) 240125
raze there's_a_whole_world_inside theoretical_linguistics_out_of_context. 240126
raze truth? let_me_go. 240127
e_o_i (re the entry before last: there IS a world inside and it has trees)

I'm_holding_out_my_hand, I'm_dreaming_of_a_white_christmas
raze weaknesses: what_we_live_for 240128
e_o_i Baby_it's_cold_outside -get_that_snow_shovel_over_there 240128
raze it_kills_me. a_friend_worships_in_wonderland. 240129
raze while_listening_to_takk on_snow_covered_roads...

(but really, is there any other way to listen to sigur_ros?)
e_o_i a_lot_of_the_time, avoidant_tendencies

(thanks for summarizing me in seven words, blather)
raze i_might_not_be_married_anymore. how_can_i_help? 240131
raze mind asparagus

(often soft and mushy)
raze chan_chan, i_fucking_hate_you. 240202
e_o_i saw_something observatory 240202
raze live_curious_above hand_warmers. 240203
raze whoosh ... erosion. 240204
raze what's_in_a_kiss? rubik's_cubes. 240205
raze water_is_for_fighting tyson. 240206
raze unknown_world snark 240207
e_o_i definition_of_success: elvis_costello 240207
warmthofrelease switch_flick my_fire_inside

warmthofrelease switch_flick my_fire_inside

releaseofwarmth Cureburger there_i_said_it_twice 240207
raze capricorn dress 240208
raze waking_up_with_someone_else's_heart? fuck_cakes. 240209
raze yo_yo, i_lost_something. 240210
warmthofrelease Stereolab

This could easily be an album of theirs
releaseofwarmth stereolab, case sensitive, ok 240210
releaseofwarmth Oh! sterolab. The only blathed one is a typo. Haha, oh you perfect imperfect. 240210
raze soon_we_may_see beach_fossils. 240211
raze earth_night sock

(today_i_learned you only wear one sock when it's earth_night)
raze he_backed_down, blathing_in_the_rain. 240213
e_o_i midnight_pizza, iced_cooly 240213
raze when_the_tree_dies, all_this_guilt_will_be_on_your_head. 240214
raze acadian saying 240215
raze predictable glass_eye 240216
raze rose_wine: the_big_picture 240217
raze mormon painting_it_black 240218
raze a_question_without_a_question_mark: fight_or_flight 240219
raze withering absinthe 240220
raze i_dreamed_i_was emmi_whitehorse. 240221
raze weiner stills

(what we used to call dick pics in more innocent times)
raze this cuts deep right now:

hello_earth. trying_to_sleep.
raze regrets, breath_as_white_clouds. 240224
raze you_have_to_live_the_best_you_know_how_to, moria. 240225
raze blinded_by_the_light, alone_on_the_wall. 240226
raze i_like_you_a_lot, obsquotist. 240227
raze poetry_of_fire: technicolor_circus. 240228
raze between_a_whisper_and_a_scream: blather_confessional. 240229
raze placement? ask_silentbob. 240301
raze philip_seymour_hoffman, bind_us_together. 240302
raze entranceway time_management 240303
raze persona (it_looks_like ours) 240304
raze salt cramps

(sodium can be a real jerk sometimes)
raze jimmy, it's_a_mad_adventure. 240306
raze "a_hand_to_hold": the_cinemaphile's_lament 240307
raze emit turkey

(okay. i'll try.)
raze empty_without_you. feeling_horny. 240309
raze more_than_nothing: the_art_and_flair_of_mary_blair 240310
raze now_i_see lessnessness. 240311
raze here's_what_happened, sister. 240312
raze philosophical_cab_driver saves_the_day. 240313
raze a_couple_fotos_of_her_remained freer. 240314
raze passion_or_security? mind_health. 240315
raze counting in_all_honesty. 240316
raze life_after_40 children

(i imagine it would involve a bewildering amount of grandchildren, if nothing else)
raze infections? not_for_me_to_say. 240319
raze refreshed watercolour 240321
raze let's_mess_with_perfection lately. 240322
e_o_i me with the four_letter_words: cult elks 240322
raze lone_wolfpack? wouldnt_trade_it_for_the_world. 240323
raze tulips gallery 240324
raze cooked mel_gibson's_doppelganger

(he tasted like antisemitism and action films)
raze gantz_graf drug_laws 240326
raze show tulip_bulbs_in_bags 240327
raze raised_sixth_degree starts_now 240328
raze how_we_are_like_dogs: sometimes_simple_is_best. 240329
raze i_am_such_a_victim; you_are_a_puzzle. 240330
e_o_i when_the_tree_dies - 1988 240330
raze momentous yearn 240331
e_o_i heavyweight full_moon_giving_way 240331
raze the_problem_with_red experimentalism 240401
raze sensical suspicion 240402
e_o_i hank_and_lily everything_in_excess

(1st is a band, 2nd sounds like it should be an album title)
e_o_i again electric_car, meanwhile_can't_we_look_the_other_way? 240402
raze the_art_of_awareness (i_didn't_have_to_ask) 240403
raze canned natural_person

(for those times when tuna won't do)
e_o_i inosculation godozicle

(it just sounds nice)
raze crazy_for_you olympic_gymnasts. 240405
raze what_is permission? 240406
raze man, lift_your_hands_as_high_as_you_can. 240407
raze things_are_themselves. anger_creates_a_demon. 240408
raze i_know_you_are_smiling. suck_it_in. 240409
raze portrait_of_rust, hungrier_than_that_thing_from_star_wars. 240410
raze i_believe this_distracted_creativity. 240411
raze so_this_is_what_it's_like_being_me: a_vampire_deliciously_mad. 240412
raze host people_with_ears.

(they'll hear what you have to say)
raze pedal_steel psychosis

(the fate of every country artist)
raze a_quickening triangle_equilateral 240415
raze saturday_october_any too_close_to_home_horoscopes? 240416
raze thrown blue_jumpsuit 240417
raze unghostable grime 240418
e_o_i we_are life_insurance 240418
raze it's_your_first_love. this_moment_matters. 240419
raze darkness when_i_realized_you_were_dying 240420
raze guilt mail 240421
raze secret_room floor_mat 240422
e_o_i found_you_again without_you 240422
raze little_grey_lies (parts_of_you) 240423
raze a_feeling_i_feel_i'm_feeling: just_filling_up_space 240424
raze john_coltrane, open_the_shutters. 240425
raze grapes arrived_there. 240426
raze eager_to_edify_the_ignorant mandala. 240427
raze no_shepherd arm_chair_geographers. 240428
raze unlikely stones_are_heavy. 240429
e_o_i pine, be_hard_but_not_cold 240429
raze the_limit? questionable. 240430
e_o_i keep rough 240430
raze in_bed, extend.

(that's an interesting way of encouraging me to rise to the occasion)
e_o_i killing - this_is_no_good 240501
raze pleasant_fiction: this_is_what_i_want. 240502
raze when_you_return, i_keep_lying_to_be_honest. 240503
raze sidney_poitier sun_salutation 240504
raze so_be_it. forgive_yourself. 240505
raze clover_mites building_a_wall. 240506
raze cocktails killmekillmekikllme.

(the typo checks out)
raze refusal: a_different_sun 240508
raze anatomically_incorrect in_the_form_of_animals. 240509
e_o_i sadness_is_a_thick_soup because_we_have_been_through_this_before 240509
raze mountain_dew_rock, and... 240510
raze read_across: funeralbirthdaywedding. 240511
raze some_night_soon, you're_leaving. 240512
raze miserable phantom. 240513
raze humble, with_our_eyes_wide_open. 240514
raze verge_of_epiphany, 2001. 240515
raze transform thunder_in_the_sunshine. 240516
e_o_i sunless paragraph 240516
raze what_made_you_happy_today, ten?

(probably being sandwiched between nine and eleven)
e_o_i we_don't cardigan

(you don't jacket, they don't sweater...)
raze the_brain_aches. lust_hurts. 240518
raze andrei_tarkovsky, wet_from_birth. 240519
raze intractable_march_of_time? yeahyeahyeahyeah. 240520
raze boom. flat_on_the_floor. 240521
raze allow_me_to_marvel_at_you, adopted_twins. 240522
raze tongue_tied songs_within_songs 240523
raze pots! come_back! 240524
raze us_in_chile? we're_all_fine. 240525
raze forgotten monsters 240526
raze book_work valentines 240527
e_o_i snapshot_of_stillness: seven_seas 240527
raze are_you_kidding_me? what_smell_did_you_like_today? 240528
e_o_i tangential rapscallion 240528
raze stubborn misfortune_cookie 240529
raze view_from_the_top_of_the_worldtruly_difficult. 240530
raze reconstruct equanimity. 240531
raze end_of_poetry: march_9. 240601
raze fence performance_anxiety

(because even fences worry about their first time)
raze ceramic sleep_is_a_strange_city. 240603
raze and_the_bees_made_honey, screaming. 240604
raze gleam, amoeba_ambulance! 240605
raze character: a_little_more_than_curious. 240606
raze heavy_hearts_get_lighter this_weekend. 240607
raze notes_to_the_brain: gifts. 240608
raze when_you_feel_this curious_monkey... 240609
e_o_i previously_undiscovered extravagances 240609
raze fortuitous waning 240610
raze retcon afternoon_nap 240611
raze color_blind cousin 240612
raze chamomile_tea_to_the_rescue, internet_fuks! 240613
raze pre_test_panic: the_american_dream. 240614
raze seattle cervix 240615
raze crossbow, you've_got_it_easy.

(slingshot, you've got it bad.)
raze and_as_the_rain_fell, i_squeezed_my_eyes_shut_take_two. 240617
e_o_i you_show_me_the_world_as_i_love_to_see_it - barely_glimpsed_in_passing 240617
raze me_to_we? i_just_cant. 240618
raze "hidden_shards" (our_song) 240619
raze nice pomegranate 240620
raze essay worship 240621
raze anglicize feist 240622
raze inhuman quiet_questions 240623
raze cheap_guitar in_all_its_forms 240624
raze come_on_and_dance_with_me, sara_lee. 240625
raze roots_music? i'll_never_find_it. 240626
raze reason_for_playing president 240627
raze you_are_my_dead_sea left_behind. 240628
e_o_i nervousness? end_it (I wish it were that easy) 240628
raze high_water indulgence 240629
raze how american 240630
raze particular blather_merchandise 240701
raze i_burn passwords 240702
raze almost_over apathy 240703
raze as_i_wait, rising... 240704
raze take_me, rabbit. 240705
raze waiting_for_the_light_to_change joy_and_sorrow. 240706
raze serpent, how_are_you? 240707
raze sweet_nostalgia eased 240708
raze 10_things_music_videos_have_taught_me that_we_are_not 240709
raze dear_animals, how_am_i_not_myself? 240710
raze quesions_are bridges 240711
raze midsuumer_night's_dream light 240712
raze it_is_what_it_is, through_a_window_through_a_wall. 240713
e_o_i endure marshmallow_cream 240713
raze auburn pony 240714
e_o_i menstrual speed 240714
raze shiitaki show_and_tell 240715
e_o_i overwinter, mitigate_panic 240715
raze dream_germany furnishings

(das ist ein sehr schöner stuhl, den sie da haben)
raze i_like_the_way it's_either_one_or_the_other. 240717
raze all_of_sudden just_kinda_sad 240718
raze how_hot_is_the_mountain at_the_end_of_friday? 240719
raze never_gonna lettuce_stop_arguing 240720
e_o_i garlic_is_a_funny_bulb; my_life_in_an_instant_message

(at last one that can use a semicolon!)
e_o_i edits (Nah, actually, a colon or dash is better. I misread "in" as "is".) 240720
raze john_cage_and_merce_cunningham, empty_handed. 240721
raze juxtaposition jerk 240722
e_o_i windless isolation

(me this evening, except for a couple of phone calls)
raze official fuss 240723
raze grizzly_discovering the_way_i_write

(bears are voracious readers)
raze reiki restraint 240725
e_o_i uncommon_name: zoroastrian_purple 240725
raze kansas_city in_a_sprinkle_of_stars 240726
e_o_i malicious postmodernism 240726
raze and_i'll_say a_silent_death 240727
raze damien_rice disdain_in_the_garden 240728
raze give_me_back_those_daysdays_of_innocence_lost. 240729
e_o_i raze, those are lined up perfectly! Today I got an elegant-sounding - and expensive-sounding -

marble edifice
e_o_i and just now:

thousand found_buffalo

(that's a lot!)
raze (i did a bit of a double take myself when that one showed up on the homepage this morning. sometimes i have to refresh a few times before i get something good, but this time i got lucky on the first try.) 240729
raze viscous coughs_that_hurt_your_head 240730
e_o_i let's_spend_time, fortune

(I imagined this directed at me and thought, hmm, I'm not sure the content of my bank account now counts as a "fortune")
raze a_picture_of_my_mind_on_my_body: snowfall 240731
raze no_doubt_the_universe_is_unfolding_as_it_should. purr. 240801
e_o_i rubber beyonce

(made me laugh, but it sounds like an undignified thing to do to someone's likeness - to rubber-toy-ify them - and I'm not even picturing a sex toy here but a toy like a rubber chicken)
raze wilt worse 240802
raze should i_know_you_are_smiling? 240803
raze la_fontaine_park? okay... 240804
raze partner, money_is_time. 240805
raze his crime 240806
raze drywall love_terror 240807
raze blathe_without_meaning: mountains_out_of_molehills 240808
raze elevated_above_the_mundane things_in_my_head 240809
raze divided andrew_jackson_and_the_castle_on_the_cloud 240810
raze maple_leaf dream_body 240811
raze eating_stars, buildings_rise_from_the_muck. 240812
raze sith tale 240813
raze i_met_a_traveller. unreal. 240814
raze sorting_hat pieces_of_april 240815
raze troubling clone

(why can't they all be benevolent clones?)
raze saving, paying_attention. 240817
raze divination ammunition 240818
raze leigh_weiner, you've_got_a_friend. 240819
raze why_the_eye_looks_like_a_planet: you_re_not_real_and_you_can_t_save_me. 240820
raze awful tattooing 240821
raze tommorow_never_knows the_path 240822
e_o_i the_most_beautiful_trees for_you_flux 240822
raze creepy_and_weird confusedness 240823
raze can_we_count_on_your_vote? you_have_words. 240824
e_o_i Reproduction_is_next March_9

(I'm sure this is true for someone.)
raze her_eyes: towels_with_fucking_lemons_on_them. 240825
raze log_burning_fire business 240826
raze medical_tourism antenna 240827
e_o_i job park

(it's like a job fair, but always outside)
raze perfect_happiness: three_words_on_red 240828
raze across_the_universe hope_falls_in_drops 240829
raze response_abilities; oscillations. 240830
e_o_i coldplay: stabat_mater (song_of_the_day!) 240830
raze buildings empty 240831
raze tired_day. my_day. 240901
raze kafka_on_the_shore, post_lunch. 240902
raze avoid_decoy traditions 240903
raze pool allergy 240904
e_o_i slandered_rules nobody_read 240904
raze hear_the_morning's_injured_weeping: blood_sugar_sex_magik. 240905
raze bean_bag_chair? this_way. 240906
e_o_i beware all_the_animals_wrote 240906
e_o_i moping again conduit to_bring_about_my_happiness

(I know I posted earlier today, but I liked this one...wish I could find one)
raze musical_mixup party_in_the_dark 240907
raze mistaken captivity_narratives 240908
raze creepy_and_weird laughter 240909
raze soundtrack: cloudy 240910
raze the_moment_i_wake_up, sound.

(often it isn't just a thing that's there when i wake up, but the reason sleep has ceased in the first place)
raze kicking candy_skies 240912
e_o_i lucille bell (almost the name of the actor!) 240912
raze sublime loss_of_balance 240913
e_o_i contemporary_religion: boredom

(actually the first blathe, by Sonya, is quite interesting)
raze autumn tree 240915
raze lumps aflame 240916
raze let_birds_on_her_take_pity, silently_listening. 240917
raze catheter snakes

(that doesn't sound good)
raze cosy knots 240919
raze scrubbed betty_white 240920
raze lying brass_monkey

(i'll have to remember that as a future insult for dishonest figurines)
raze sore_throat! so_glad! 240922
raze gingerbread earthworms_have_five_hearts 240923
raze fretless side 240924
raze seething game 240925
raze in_our_world, ups_and_downs. 240926
raze taciturn throb 240927
raze intro_to_german nightgown

(i imagine that introduction would go something like this: "erlauben sie mir bitte, ihnen mein liebstes nachthemd vorzustellen.")
e_o_i difficult_situations nuked

(I don't think that's the best way to handle every situation, but anyway)
e_o_i (also, without checking Google Translate, my impression of the German sentence is: "Please explain, you my dearest nightshirt imagine.")

(after Google Translate: ahhh, "erlauben" means allow, plus the second part is one of those "to" phrases where the "to" (the "zu") goes INSIDE the separable verb - and "vorstellen" means "introduce," not "imagine" here. Thus, "Please allow me to introduce you to my favorite nightgown.")
raze unfulfilled curmudgeon 240929
e_o_i this_is_bliss, apparently 240929
raze paperdream_candles froze 240930
raze flower draining 241001
raze editing multilingual_stumblings 241002
raze resist mind_health 241003
raze cold_thought: is_it_just_me? 241004
raze eccentric withering 241005
e_o_i renaissance posture 241005
raze condemn this_day. 241006
raze college napalm 241007
raze smokey_robinson reeling 241008
raze the_idea_of_yourself_letting_go: library_newsflash 241009
raze unintelligible lion_at_the_rail_station 241010
raze stupid_internet nightmares 241011
raze florida? not_a_problem. 241012
raze people_watching cause_it's_christmas_time 241013
raze i_need_you_to_remember madrid. 241014
e_o_i babelize dream_conversations 241014
raze neophobic ellipses 241015
raze hope like_there's_no_tomorrow. 241016
raze self_esteem switch_flick

(if only it were so easy)
raze the_world_a_dream, cramping_out_the_shrugs_of_indifference. 241018
raze throwing_away_the_baby lynx 241019
e_o_i hormones whenever 241019
raze blatherpeople refused 241020
raze i_feel_safer_here, stuck_in_the_middle. 241021
raze shut_up_and_write. scrub.

(but how am i supposed to write *and* clean the house at the same time?)
raze snap_crackle_poke cock

(that's odd ... i don't remember those being the rice krispies mascots)
e_o_i Elias_and_you, blue_and_yellow.

(As posts, both are thought-provoking. "The Diary of Anne Frankenstein" is a name someone *had* to think up at some point, and the concept doesn't sound mean. Blue and yellow are probably colours that mean more to dogs than people - if colours mean things to dogs, if "meaning" has any meaning here - because they can't see green or red.)
raze growling_stomach; goosebumps_in_a_hot_shower. 241024
raze and_she_said_to_me, "y?" 241025
raze ghost_of portland 241026
raze seeing_nothingness divorced 241027
raze long_weekend desires 241028
raze what_do_you_want? wanting? 241029
raze if_you_were_a_drawing preparing_for_a_zombie_apocalypse... 241030
raze canned identity_haikus 241031
raze tennis cupidity 241101
raze roar_lion_of_the_heart failing 241102
raze ach! we_can't_create_this! 241103
raze you_ask_for_incredible_pleasure one_day. 241104
raze my_life_in_an_instant_message (just_another_night) 241105
e_o_i spirits_or_miracles going_around_being_supportive 241105
raze moist_in_the_hands; getting_new_glasses. 241106
raze corn laughing 241107
raze cats_on_a_bus: four_hands_clapping 241108
raze god_i_love a_good_summer_for_spiders. 241109
raze holiday_regularity static_line_defined 241110
raze plenty_of_room. sorry_you_cannot_stay. 241111
raze note_to_self: a_triumph_of_resistance 241112
raze indigo_childhood karaoke_hangover 241113
raze discouraged fingerdrops 241114
raze beasties merch_girl 241115
e_o_i st_augustine waitlist

(You can't just be St. Augustine right away! You have to wait your turn.)
raze stilts reborn_as_alcohol 241116
raze mummified_human_toe tinsel 241117
raze i_just_know simone_weil 241118
raze a_measure_of_solitariness mutated 241119
raze echoed turbulent_seas_of_turbulent_souls 241120
raze this_is_what_the_apocalypse_looks_like. its_quieter_here. 241121
raze bedside_manner cemetery

(now accepting reservations)
raze let_go, marvelous_web. 241123
e_o_i city_slivers a_horizon_with_no_line 241123
raze tweetle_beetles virtuoso 241124
raze irregular junk_mail_collage_poem 241125
e_o_i brightly_colored dialects

(when you use colourful language?)
raze bionic meta_corn 241126
raze miranda, i_just_might_explode. 241127
raze sex_specific_surrealism: i_smell_smoke. 241128
raze paint_the_floor an_inconsequential_page_from_your_life 241129
raze taking_care_of_the_world? scratch_that. 241130
e_o_i barnacle prosopopoeia 241130
raze preserve this_house 241201
raze all_i_wanted: the_atmosphere_of_neglect 241202
raze intact weather 241203
raze a_piece_of_paper_being_ripped, watched. 241204
raze lyrics cause_it's_christmas_time

(i_mean, i guess it's close enough)
raze the_polaroid precious 241206
raze we're_all_normal, tinted. 241207
raze ghost stick

(because even the limbs of trees have souls)
raze overexplaining donations 241209
raze the_gift_i'll_always_treasure: the_wb 241210
raze absurd silence_and_song 241211
e_o_i cousins: the_music_of_johnny_west

(I will add this to my list of cousins! Witness: Lia, Julia, Isaac, my half-cousin who's my dad's age because his half-brother was 20 years older than him and had kids earlier...aaaand raze's music.)
raze (i've dreamed of the day when my music would become someone's cousin. new achievement unlocked!)

my latest is a brief set of instructions:

set_out_for_a_great_adventure. bloom_like_an_artist.
raze worst_animal poet

(that's a tough one. you'd think most animals would have interesting insights to share through their poetry.)
raze they_tell_us_it's_alive. please_travel_safe. 241214
raze each baby_of_macon 241215
raze moment_of_truth intact 241216
raze murmur words_of_encouragement 241217
raze making_out? stop! 241218
raze there_would_only_be_one overplayed_genius. 241219
raze she_told_me_she_wants_to_live. what_the_fuck_am_i_doing_here? 241220
raze blathering_in_bed (no_one_could_tell) 241221
raze clutched thruth

(much easier to hold onto than plain old-fashioned truth)
raze the_sugar_experiment [is] just_a_stain_now. 241223
raze donatello turned 241224
raze what_logic_is: she_makes_jam 241225
raze lost_and_found, where_i_belong. 241226
raze a_purpleless_world: a_very_pacific_christmas 241227
raze the_smart_onethe_kansas_city_star 241228
raze nobody_read "padlock". 241229
e_o_i days_like_this scatter 241229
raze i_feel_scattered. i_lost_my_glasses_i_forgot_to_wear. 241230
raze barcode tree 241231
raze the_next_right_thing: animal_adjective_alphabet 250101
raze tumblr downpour_of_my_heart 250102
raze how_has_blather_changed_your_life when_you_were_a_little_girl? 250103
raze just random_acts_of_senseless_kindness 250104
raze greatest_soundtrack_ever: sound_of_thunder 250105
e_o_i its_easy_to_be_happy: all_we_can_do_is_wait 250105
raze pissing_myself here_and_there 250106
raze sugar_on_the_asphalt lag 250107
raze there's_a_whole_lot_of_love_in_you, green_day. 250108
e_o_i giant blooming_hearts 250108
raze beautiful_eyes while_listening_to_takk 250109
raze when_you_put_on_the_glasses, garlic_is_a_funny_bulb. 250110
raze sparkly women_are_different 250111
raze i_am_sad night_to_day 250112
raze reassurance: an_elaborate_pen_and_ink_drawing 250113
e_o_i What_does_love_mean? Going_for_a_walk. 250113
raze better_living_through ink 250114
raze still_winter in_late_december_ 250115
raze my_soul_is_pregnant, removing_bullets. 250116
raze hey_z ... did_you_do_that? 250117
raze collagen! you're_suppossed_to_help_me! 250118
raze selective dream_blathes 250119
raze reinforced bedside_table 250120
raze lyrica? ughh! 250121
raze boys, lend_me_your_heart. 250122
raze future_home dream_visit 250123
e_o_i south_to_north, walking_around_with_you 250123
raze whiskey_is_for_drinking. i_had_philosophy_for_lunch. 250124
raze peach_tea thighs 250125
raze what_do_you_want, sleet? 250126
raze soothing blast 250127
raze ever coming_attractions 250128
raze nephews, you_cant_fit_all_my_baggage_into_a_trite_little_fu...

(we're sorry, this blathe couldn't be completed as dialed)
raze iron_thoughts____came_with_me, bent. 250130
raze dream_interpretation ruse 250131
e_o_i what_works_for_you: your_heart 250131
raze thank_you_once_again. night_is_alive_with_the_folly_of_men. 250201
raze jason_molina in_times_of_drought 250202
raze and_the_sky_said_to_me, "remove." 250203
raze that_good_kind_of_sad orange_whip 250204
raze three_cats? less_is_more. 250205
raze the_double_edged_sword_of_artpoetry_in_motion 250206
raze dimming smoke 250207
raze who_gives_a_fuck? attaboy! 250208
raze ruthless magnets 250209
raze depart, reptile_youth. 250210
raze not_the_end_of_the_world drumbeats

(if the world *were* ending, there would be some seriously syncopated percussion)
raze absorbed resonance 250212
raze how_has_blather_changed_your_life? chameleons_and_such. 250213
raze sheep_in_sheep_clothing must_sleep

(everybody needs sleep)
raze synthetic_clouds? how_horrendous. 250215
raze ambulatory stew 250216
e_o_i deserve death

(no, don't...or does this have some missing plural noun as a subject, e.g. "flowers that are green when you expect them to be a different colour deserve death"?)
raze triangles levitate 250217
raze innocent calculated_risk 250218
e_o_i ritalin, the_melody_of_moonrise

(more romantic than "Vyvanse, the rhythm of my heart beating too fast")
raze i_don't_think_we_should_ever_meet, horse. 250219
raze give_and_accept at_the_core 250220
raze you_will_be_first. you_always_look_tired. 250221
raze the_present hand_covers_bruise 250222
raze lazarus leading 250223
e_o_i can't_sleep when_the_dog_bites 250223
what's it to you?
who go