epitome of incomprehensibility I am science: I decided at six this morning that whatever heals an infection in one tube might heal an infection in another tube.

Specifically, I heard on Quirks and Quarks that cranberry juice helps get rid of/prevent urinary tract infections. It stops the infectiony things from sticking to the tube. You see, I am science; I use sciencey words.

Two nights ago, I was crying, partly with plain pain and partly with frustration: it seemed to me that my tooth or some of my teeth hurt, and I'd have to have them pulled out or repaired, expensively... but then I realized the pain wasn't focused on one tooth or other. It seemed to wander from tooth to tooth, and then to be behind the teeth. I finally connected it to my ear.

I took a regular Motrin (which is just 200 mg of ibuprofen, but I don't like using painkillers because... I am science?) and it was an hour before I felt any effect.

Last night I woke up at six, ear sore again, though not as much, so I drank a cup of cranberry juice (then mouthwashed, bathroomed, bedded) and lo, the soreness went away. I don't usually drink juice - too expensive - but during the day I drank two more cups and the ache stayed at bay.

Correlation does not prove cause and effect, therefore I conclude that cranberry juice is not science, just magic. I am logic!
raze there's a good memory of seeing a play called "the vampire who couldn't stand blood" (pretty dark, heady stuff for a preteen-me, and not at all the comedy it was billed as), drinking a glass of this stuff, and pretending i was a vampire myself. 141231
past somehow it's become the littles' morning favourite, drawing me back to hotmail threads and longdistance landline calls. sending warm thoughts to another wayward skite across the colours and years and kilometres. 220129
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