Q But why use up tango partners' passionate energy to channel it to what seem to be possible, passionately intended results?

Why don't the tango partners - only tango partners could - instead ignore the appearance of possibility and use more energy to chase results that are most passionately intended regardless of how impossible they seem?

Even without results there'd be tango, and isn't that what passionate human beings are all about?
nom i want to go cycling again today
but i have to go to the doctor
nom ahh i asked the receptionist before i went and she said they were in, but only one was, so more waiting 070308
nom still waiting to see where my b12 levels were at pre-injection 070309
nom or level was 070309
just a little nervous just a little nervous that the doctor wants me to come in about the results of the xray and not just wait till i make another appointment 101012
what's it to you?
who go