tender_square today's leo forecast:

"emotions within you are conflicted with one another. it is hard to say which direction you should choose, but there is a deep underlining need that should be observed first, as a primal goal shared in both possible paths. once you find the unifying belief and a piece of information that connects the dots, you will understand what needs to be done and where to look for the next answer.

"you have reached the point where a habit took over your life and you feel conditioned or imprisoned by static energies surrounding a specific issue. remind yourself that it is your choice to not make a choice just yet and give yourself time to understand things better."
unhinged sends me daily horoscopes that can be downright creepy sometimes

they keep telling me because of the alignments of venus and mercury that i may want to tell someone i am entangled with the truth about my feelings;

i felt the urge to share skin_hunger with the man who inspired the ending almost as soon as i wrote/posted it. but the past keeps staying my hand. like i am stuck in a tug of war with myself and the universe. the planets say 'yes! just do it!'. the anxiety and depression hardwired in my brain say 'you remember that time you made a grown man cry when you read him the poem you wrote about him out loud. how it all changed rather quickly after that, how you ended up alone.'

so i just keep reading skin_hunger over and over hoping for the clamoring to die down. part of me keeps whispering 'just do it. you never know until you try.'
raze "it's a time to think up plans and ideas that you may not consider on more practical days, with the intention to fill in the details at a later date. you may solve a problem or help someone with ideas or knowledge, but for the most part, you are better off with quiet activities today. there can be some sluggishness or lethargy, as there can be a vague feeling that you don't know where to head. even so, it's better not to push yourself emotionally. you may be feeling a little out of step until you recognize the need to slow down and allow yourself time to process recent events, imagine, and dream." 211027
tender_square "...bravery does not necessarily involve things that are rough on the heart, but usually comes down to following it.

staying true to you is the greatest imperative. you have moral imperatives that must be respected. do not lower your standards or try to fit into places where you don’t feel right in the first place. if you are unwanted or cast aside in any way, seek alternatives and different paths that will be more fulfilling.

this week’s affirmation: 'I am good to my heart.'"
tender_square "to create your horoscope, i've borrowed ideas from four famous leos. they all address your current astrological needs. first, here's leo author p. l. rravers: 'more and more I’ve become convinced that the great treasure to possess is the unknown.' second, here's leo author sue monk kidd: 'there is no place so awake and alive as the edge of becoming.' third, leo poet philip larkin: 'originality is being different from oneself, not others.' finally, leo author susan cheever: 'there is no such thing as expecting too much.'"

—freewill astrology
nr after the first couple of sentences, i guessed this was a free will astrology horoscope. mine says not to deny myself kudos and props that i deserve, which apparently ira glass did when he ended up refusing an offer of a pay raise because he found it "unseemly." this kind of modesty does seem sort of piscean... 211118
tender_square author melissa broder wrote a preposterous essay in which she ruminated, "is fake love better than real love? real love is responsibility, compromise, selflessness, being present, and all that shit. fake love is magic, excitement, false hope, infatuation, and getting high off the potential that another person is going to save you from yourself." i will propose, leo, that you bypass such ridiculous thinking about love in the coming weeks and months. here's why: there's a strong chance that the real love at play in your life will feature magic and excitement, even as it requires responsibility, compromise, selflessness, and being present.

free will astrology
unhinged mars continues to sextile Pluto, so your drive to sustain your livelihood is immense. However, financial mishaps are plausible since Mars squares Jupiter. Libra, you may feel some tension trying to make money as you may not be paid according to your skills or find that you will take a step back from self-expression to make more money
tender_square (for the week ending december 26)

when a squirrel baby is abandoned, other squirrels will adopt it. you know that there is a light at the end of any tunnel and believe in the good hearts of people in your life. this is a time of healthy cooperation when new ideas and teachings may bring visions to life, especially if communication has quality and focus on the goal.

holidays are keeping you in a strange emotional state, as if you should feel more peaceful than you are feeling. there is no point in criticizing yourself over natural states that you find your heart in. accepting who you are, in your sensitive core, will bring joyous moments and fun activities to full bloom.

this week’s affirmation: “life is fun.”

astrology zodiac signs
tender_square "you face your greatest opposition when you're closest to your biggest miracle," wrote author and filmmaker t. d. jakes. according to my analysis of upcoming astrological omens, that's good advice for you. i suspect that the problems you encounter will be among your best and most useful ever. with the right attitude, you will harness the challenges to generate magnificent breakthroughs. and what's the right attitude? proceed with the hypothesis that life is now conspiring to bring your soul exactly what your soul needs to express its ripest beauty.

-free will astrology
raze "your emotions are immediate, and your desire for excitement is strong. even so, if you can channel your passion into productive pursuits, this day is super for moving a work or health project forward or bringing added creativity to a project. you could stand out for your services or the work you do, or you might turn duties into something pleasurable. you're finding ways to inject routine work or daily life with more excitement." 220216
tender_square "some things have been destroyed in the process of regeneration and healing. let go of them and see all the new and bright things that are waiting for you down the road. it is important to look into the future instead of holding on to the past, even when the past is the one knocking on your door." 220523
tender_square "the boeing 747 can carry an additional engine on its wing, and this is the way it got delivered to stranded planes in the past. this week begins with an intense piece of information, a process of healing that serves a much higher purpose, and fresh energies that will help you revive what has been lost or felt gone inside of you.

pieces of your heart have been scattered over past relationships when you truly needed to stay collected. with just a few good words and some understanding, you could unfold from an unhealthy mechanism and choose to live a less toxic, more fulfilling life in months to come."
raze "energy levels are strengthening, even if focus is not always your strong point." 220607
tender_square "give yourself the same choices you would give to someone you love. care for self begins right there, where you realize that you deserve the best possible treatment, just as everyone you deeply care for. you don’t have to speak much about your plans to bring them to life, but you must remain consistent and truthful in your endeavors and your communication." 220701
tender_square "you should never allow yourself to be tamed by others. that advice is always apropos for you leos, and even more crucial to heed in the coming weeks. you need to cultivate maximum access to the raw, primal sources of your life energy. your ability to thrive depends on how well you identify and express the beautiful animal within you. here's my only caveat: if you imagine there may be value in being tamed a little, in harnessing your brilliant beast, do the taming yourself. and assign that task to the part of you that possesses the wildest wisdom." 220829
tender_square "stay for a while longer, with people and in situations that are unclear, but don't let toxic vibes destroy your mood or keep you tied for too long. it is important to separate what sparks the sense of curiosity from what takes away the sense of purpose in your life and makes you feel weak. some people simply don't belong in your surroundings anymore, at least not in this relationship dynamics."

--astrology zodiac signs
tender_square this time is reserved for secrets, affairs, and strange discussions that lead you in a new direction. you would like to keep things simple but it is easy to make a mistake and complicate them if you are insecure or feeling uncertain about the outcome of certain possibilities.

this week’s affirmation: ‘i am free to choose.’”

astrology zodiac signs
tender_square whether it's your time to gather your strength in the shadows or exude your lust for life in the sun, fresh power to transform yourself is on the way. life always delivers the creative energy you need to change into the new thing you must become. you can count on it! so be alert for it. be receptive to it.”

free will astrology
tender_square even though everything seems different and turned upside-down, things are flowing in their own pace and you are ready to let go to their flow. don’t try too hard to fight against the current for it must lead you towards unresolved business and wounds unhealed if you wish to finally move on from them. love is found in the strangest of places and only when you are completely honest with your heart.

there is no point in denying the higher truth. breathe deeply and embrace all the challenges of the moment as they are, with an open mind and an open heart. you have nothing to lose by surrendering to life itself.

this week’s affirmation: ‘i am excited about my future.’ ”

--astrology zodiac signs
nr your jupiter is in scorpio, which means that when things are good, you seek and grow with deep insight. but when things are hard, you get stuck in the shadow between too much self-knowledge and too little. right now, you're having trouble in this area. life is hard. moodiness is understandable. 220924
raze "today you may not feel much like working." 221029
raze "your enthusiasm may wane for your higher goals, dreams, hopes, group or community activities, or friendships before you find your way again." 221030
raze "the most important thing now is that you are aware of your limits." 230105
tender_square "the circle can and will be complete—if you're willing to let it find its own way of completing itself. But i'm a bit worried that an outdated part of you may cling to the hope of a perfection that's neither desirable nor possible. to that outdated part of you, i say this: trust that the future you will thrive on the seeming imperfections that arise. trust that the imperfections will be like the lead that the future you will alchemically transmute into gold. the completed circle can't be and shouldn't be immaculate and flawless." 230124
nr this month, you are ready to free yourself from un-useful emotional ties to the past. this is a commendable move for someone who is highly emotional and sensitive. be there for yourself, even when you fall short."

oof the opening quotation marks ran away from me! 230202
nr "nothing has ever been fair for you." 230307
raze "as you discover that you can live without certain things or as you adapt to changing circumstances, you build a stronger relationship withand trust inyourself." 230308
raze "at the moment, you may not be seeing things very clearly."

(i do need to clean my glasses.)
raze "you need emotional space, but you might enjoy others' company in a detached, light way. freeing yourself from worries about long-term goals can make for a happier day." 230524
raze "it's a time for appreciating simple pleasures and comforts rather than for pushing too far or giving in to the feeling that you need more to be happy." 231016
raze "you're naturally de-emphasizing your more worldly or professional concerns as personal matters assume more and more importance in your life during this month-long cycle. it's an excellent time to focus on making yourself feel secure and content and for activities that help you find more peace with yourself. you're more nostalgic and gravitate to familiar activities, people, and situations." 231022
raze "try to focus on the positive, even in the face of some inconsistencies." 231231
raze "it's a time for reinvesting in projects that you've put to the side, particularly when it comes to exploring and studying certain concepts and ideas that ignited your passion in the past." 240102
raze "words and plans help build confidence." 240214
nr "adapting yourself to satisfy the expectations of other people will destroy you." 240404
nr "you don't have to reinvent the wheel. pay attention to what has already been created." 240404
nr "your indulging in escapist fantasies can stop you from constructing a way of seeing that brings you contentment. you're drifting, becoming over-sensitive. don't use every little thing as a narcotic. life isn't meant to be euphoric." 240404
raze "there's uncertain energy with us temporarily. it makes sense to wait and see." 240407
what's it to you?
who go