bijou i like to make long sentences that have lots of nouns and verbs in them, but are still not proper sentences with a subject and a verb. there's a little less going on there. it's not like something happened, or is happening, or will happen, or would happen, it's just something. just something, no it's or it is. 050515
anomalous running with 050515
bijous affinity with An oblong puddle inset in the coarse asphalt; like a fancy footprint filled to the brim with quicksilver; like a spatulate hole through which you can see the nether sky. Surrounded, I note, by a diffuse tentacled black dampness where some dull dun dead leaves have stuck. Drowned, I should say, before the puddle had shrunk to its present size.

vladimir nabokov
raze "each sentence you craft is an empty room," she said. "and you can furnish those rooms however you like. some are neat and tidy. some are pretty chaotic. some won't make any sense at all to anyone who's just passing through. as long as you know where everything is and how to sidestep the tripping hazards, you'll be fine."

he was about to ask what kind of room they were in now when one of his socks caught on a loose nail and gravity pitched him face-first onto the floor.

"that'll happen too," she said.
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