nom i'm off to vote for my NDPer

really not looking forward to a tory government
the vancouver sun "...British Columbians, more than Ontarians, Atlantic Canadians and even Quebecers, are most likely to agree with the statement that "Stephen Harper scares me,...And West Coast residents are the least likely, compared to other Canadians and especially Quebecers, to agree with the statement: "Voting Liberal is telling politicians it's okay to steal...British Columbians are more likely than other Canadians to say the "Conservative party is too extreme for me," and are more prone than most Canadians to believe governments should redistribute wealth to help the poor. Quebec had by far the highest score on that question...Roughly 60 per cent of British Columbians believe Harper is a scary extremist" 060123
nom polls polls polls 060123
nom i dreamt
that stephen harper
became prime minister

oh wait

that wasn't a dream
even if it was a nightmare
silentbob i feel really bad for canada because i know exactly how they feel. 060124
what's it to you?
who go