notme scary 040625
anomalous please no 050421
nom please no 051218
kyla hell no 051218
nom please no 060119
unhinged harper and johnson covering marley

in high tide
or in low tide
i'm gonna be your friend
you know i'm gonna be your friend

i miss my asshole brother
he's surfing on north shore today
he got his hair dreaded
earlier this week
i need to go back to visit
and of course that had to be
the very first song
on the mixed cd he made me
of mostly reggae
i sat on his bed while
he laid drunk on the floor
and he laid his head on my knee
showing me pictures out of his digital camera
i miss being physically close to him

it wouldn't have worked out anyway
so for now
it's just another lonely day
further along we just may
but for now
it's just another lonely day

he's where he belongs
even though it's not with me
crOwl ben harper and jack johnson is a very cool musical collaboration. i've always admired the dudes for their music, but even moreso for the barefoot, driftwood-fire lifestyle. artists who don't desire, but by mere living, stumble upon fame. 060121
unhinged my brother lives on the same island as jack johnson. he hangs out on the north shore hoping he'll run into him. my brother was just prepping when he listened to jack in ohio. 060121
nom fuck! no. please no. 060122
nom fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

that's all i have to say.
n o m fuck! 141026
n o m so long! 151023
n o m (fucker!) 151023
what's it to you?
who go