shadow le crowl the sun?
what kind of sun?
angry? kind?

what clothes did you put on?
chiidi a kitten attacking my fingers and toes woke me up

stlll some time before sunrise

i'll wear black today to fit in with the storm-clouds rolling above the city and through my head
Arwyn my puppy crying outside my door cause she missed me.... I got up and now she's ignoring me... lol 030814
nomme the sense it was closer than ever 030814
amy the summer sun in Seattle is almost always gentle. it does not in fact rain all the time.

it's a silk shirt from England today. it has a weird aristocratic pattern on it. i often wonder what it is about this shirt that appeals to me, now that i think about it. it's yet another mystery.
Freak the phone ringing 030814
jane the phone ringing
my father
yelling at me about some nonsense
like he used to
when i was twelve
mandy andrew's alarm clock 030821
nomme noise 030821
monolith any of you happy to wake up in the morning? the birds singing their song , the call of the new day , my lil cousin waking me up cuz he has to go to the loo .... 030822
lotuseater i really had to pee 030823
Anna_Began Disappointment. 030823
mimisa Oblivion slowly turning into how wrong all of yesterday was. 030823
nomme rain and thunder 030823
pobodys nerfect Autumnal-like air forcing itself inside my room like a very unwelcomed guest, then feeling its frosty fingers creep slowly down my neck. Almost time to start using the "breathing hole" again. 030823
een stom kind church bells ringing 030825
miasma my mother, because she felt like having a chat and was getting tired of waiting for me to wake up on my own accord...i do so love that woman. 030825
mcdougall It was a combination of sun and noise. First, it was the sun coming through the sliding glass door, which faces the east and catches the light of the rising sun perfectly. I purposely left the blinds to the door open last night so the sun would awaken me. The second was an unpredicted noise coming from the parking lot outside the apartment. There were people outside packing their car, getting ready to go on a vacation of which they will not return until after Labor Day. Now, I do not know which played the biggest role in waking me up, but if I had to guess I would say the noise woke me up and the light kept me awake. 030827
misstree sunlight tickled my nose... i shifted, becoming barely aware enough to realize my alarm clock hadn't blared orders and good mornings... took a moment to drink down some soothing water before running out the door to be two hours late. 030827
lotuseater my mom telling me my cat died.

i loved you silly kitty.
bijou boyfriend's hangover breath. ew. 030828
Bespeckled The sun.

When I'm in school, my alarm clock wakes me up in the morning.

But when I'm not in school, the sun wakes me up. My window is in its direct path every morning, and every morning it's heat and light wake me up much earlier than I'm ready to arise.

So every morning I pull down my shade, turn on my fan, and fall back into bed.

But I don't really fall asleep completely.
nom angry brother
snow plow
boot throwing yelling swearing
cold morning
i feel sick now
DammitJanet David crawling back into bed, after my starfishing drove him out. 031130
belly fire panic
a silent alarm clock
he was not there to ground me
misstree i drifted up aware of
the sun trumpeting noon on a busy world outside and
three sets of breath, slight shifting from the stragglers arranged in my nest and
warmth of flesh behind me, a subtle gravity and
the next day calling, a rise to an echo of revelry that
will send streamers through the rest of my
jane isabel's jumping jacks 050116
(z) (inevitability) 050117
() (the momentary crisis of the chronometer) 050118
thunderbuck ram I have to confess it was a bit of a stiffy. 050118
thunderbuck ram but I only needed to pee. What a disappointment 050118
cocoon the alarm clock as usual. 050118
birdmad tag-team kitty freak out over the sound of some other animal (likely a cat) running across my rooftop 050118
suicidalchinadoll the telephone...
I didn't answer it..but it brought to light how deep a sleep is required to bring about thoughts of you..
and thoughts of you holding me

someone once said that your sleeping self is always just behind the state of mind, your awake self has progressed to.
doesn't mean I don't miss you in my bed
but talking to you in life is so much more difficult than dreaming you back into my arms.

fly away..just fly
mon uow a neighbour i'd never met before, he needed to borrow a ladder 050407
megan my mom
and a hot shower
and going back to bed, even if only for those 10 minutes i had extra
high school needs to be over
i pulled on a tshirt and jeans and headed out
flux knowledge that the dream had ended.
that i was analyzing it, and that i was still asleep.
somenom pain
and more pain
Lemon_Soda Not my alarm clock, but my land lady, and hour late.

Wich made me late for work.

And when I got there, there was 2 pages of complaints and inquiries for me to take care in half the time it takes me to do the job regularly.

Boy, it was an adventure. I took care of it though. Yay proffessional!
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl my english revision.
damn exams, who needs them?

my friend got woken up by the bear shitting in the woods.

i'm sat here laughing like a freak in a computer room in a library, with someone else in the same room.

people know that i'm a freak now.

well it's about time they knew anyway.
skinny bland consciousness, the black sun encroaching like a giant turd. 050526
somenom i was talking outloud, it woke me up 050526
jennifer very very scary nightmare about beating the kids I hated in gradeschool with a baseball bat

actually... it wasn't that scary
Sonya Tears streaming down my face. I had a dream.. a dream that seemed so beautiful but in the end it was only a dream. I can't figure out if it was from a memory or just my subconscious screaming at me what I really want in my life, but can't have because of emotional fuck-ups.

"I can't take my eyes off of you."

I turned to my makeshift nightstand only to stare into the beady little eyes of a brown, plush hippo. I wanted to throw him across the room, but I stopped myself. He deserved better than that.

I laid in bed for a good hour and just let it all pour out. I can only describe the feeling as that of a wet towel that has been wrung out and hung out to dry in the wind without a second thought.

I showered and preened but still felt unalive. I put on my sky blue winter fairy shirt and my carpenter jeans. I brush my black hair and put on my glasses.

"You don't dress like a girl."

I can't run from you. You are everywhere. Your words scream at me in the darkness.

I woke up to the painful memory of you and your horrific words.

Are you happy now? Are you??
peyton tell your friends not to think out loud
until they swallow
whisper things into my brain
you always sound so hollow
i am not a leader of men
since i prefer to follow
do you think i could have a drink
since it's so hard to swallow
so hard to swallow

till you're dead, the vision aloft
and i will say that's all
and if you suddenly have the urge
you can sing along
i touch your hand, touch your face
i think the fruit is rotten
give me glasses, i have to breathe
cause i think i've forgotten
yeah think i've forgotten

one drink
after class
that over looks the water
i am dreamin seaman's girl
it was somebody's daughter
now the rain thats on my head
was given to me by her
and to this dream we all sit around
and dream of ways to get higher
yeah to get much higher

tell your friends not to think out loud
until they swallow
whisper things into my brain
you always sound so hollow
i am not a leader of men
since i prefer to follow
do you think i could have a drink
since it's so hard to swallow
so hard to swallow
unhinged my cousin's autistic baby babbling away so someone would come and get him out of the crib. little ethan is over two and still doesn't talk. just that baby babble that he should have been doing over a year ago and just started. that poor precious adorable little baby. and i eventually peeked out from under the covers and he was peering at me through the slats in his crib trying not to smile. 'i see you smiling at me ethan' and then he let the smile escape and giggled.

there are so many little babies in my family these days. what do i need one of my own for? screw that.
() (the inimical pull of commerce) 050920
mcdougall something unknown, which i'm greatful for because i didn't set my alarm last night 050921
nom) i haven't gone to sleep yet! 050921
nom this afternoon
my dad vacuuming
dragging furniture
etcetera etcetera etc.
nom the jehovah's witnesses and a headache 061219
birdmad a three-part combination of Tonya in kitty-freakout mode knocking some change off the top of the fridge, the TV timer bringing the first news of the morning into my apartment and the sudden need to return the deposit on the pint of grape kool-aid i downed before going to bed 061219
pete first, a bladder needing emptying
then, an alarm on a clock
finally, a bladder needing refilling
nom my mom calling me at 10 to tell me my brother made it through the night 070315
misstree nothing more than being completely rested.

i was still curled exactly up to a perfectly temperatured cuddlebuddy, with even the one-person blanket still snugly around us, and indirect light of chrismas tree and shaded sun gently illuming the morningafternoon around me.

i fairly bounced upon waking. i'm not the bouncing type, not for an hour at least.

it was a good day.
tessa chris on the phone
"Good morning, sorry to wake you. Do you happen to know what the security code is?"
alarm shrieking in the background

he got woken up by the bean
his unborn baby
they're going to call it Ava
. that silly man over there...
his name is Shaker.
nom my sister on the phone wanting to come over,... 070316
raze a ringing phone and a low-pitched moan. 130523
raze someone hammering something. bang. bang. bang. 130524
Norm Nothing. 130524
raze a centipede crawling across the ceiling. or maybe i was just seeing things in the half-sleep haze. i'm still not sure. 130618
raze the sound of manic pounding on the door. but no one was there. 130627
unhinged my biological clock
every morning around 7am
rain or shine

when did that happen?
e_o_i Remembering that I have to tutor online at 10 (it's 9 now). But I stayed in bed.

Then, I thought if I could get up early (as if 8:30 is early) I'd be able to finish a cover letter for this secretary-type job I'm applying for before I had to tutor (I can't count on the editing job - all the manager said was that it'd be available in July). I stayed in bed.

Then I thought I could write to fanfiction.net and ask them to pretty please include Ulysses in their book category - all I need, I think, is a decent list of characters. And at that idea, I got out of bed.

I need better goals in life.
e_o_i Technically, I was already awake. But I was still in bed at quarter to 8, listening to other people walking around and the mumbling sound of the kitchen radio, when I heard my father say that Alice Munro had won the Nobel Prize for literature. At that I bounced out of bed and ran into the kitchen, saying that was cool, not so much because she's Canadian but because she writes short stories and the prize more often goes to novelists.

More thoughts: I'm not in the Margaret-Atwood-is-Overrated club, but I do like her stories better than her novels. Oh yeah, and if any other Canaduckians are awarded LitNobelity, I nominate her to be next. Already fairly high-profile and all. But Alice Munro is a nice surprise. On the radio, her voice sounds like my grandmother's. (Ironically, the American one, and both grandmothers are dead now, but yeah.)
unhinged my roommate getting ready for work 131011
jane the cold.

all of my bedding is in bags...
raze someone screaming at someone else outside. the only part i could make out clearly was, "remind me never to call you again!" the morning after a one_night_stand gone bad, maybe? 140416
raze dogs doing their six a.m. woof woof business. 140512
raze the air conditioner making low factory sounds. vommm, vommm, vommm. 140513
past the devil's own car alarms 140513
raze another bird_before_the_sun. 140514
raze a considerate neighbour and some of his friends bashing his house repeatedly, blasting music, hooting and hollering, ripping shingles off the roof and tossing them to the ground, supposedly because of bats in the attic. i haven't seen any bats. at first it sounded like they were hitting a bunch of refrigerators with sledgehammers. loud music and arhythmic banging when it's barely light enough to seethe breakfast of champions.

i get the funny feeling they just got drunk early in the morning and thought they'd pretend to be roofers. at least one of them's a madonna fan. that's better than katy perry, anyway.
raze the same train whistle that sang me awake yesterday. this time i let it sing me back to sleep. 211102
raze the hum and crunch of garbage being collected. 211103
kerry anxiety. 211103
raze the train whistle. again. after keeping me from sleep around midnight. again. after blowing and blowing in three-minute increments for two hours straight after dinner. again. again. again. again. again. again. again. again. again. again. 211201
raze (i meant intervals.
not increments.
i eat popsicles.
not instruments.
i jump vestibules.
that's ignorant.)
kerry the sound of my dog’s ears flapping as he shakes his head. 211201
tender_square a dream about a snow storm that had yet to hit; outside all the snow had melted, leaving scores of sopping leaves like discarded hand towels. 211202
Soma my cat's asshole.

Why does he wake me up like this on days I desperately need to sleep in? Some intuition to make me suffer, the little devil.
raze the howling of the wind. 211216
tender_square michael snoring, directly in my face. loudly. at 4 am. 211217
raze rain that couldn't decide what it wanted to be. 211225
raze the sound of sound leaving me. 211226
raze a single word spoken by a voice i didn't recognize: "you." 211230
kerry dr. silver 211230
raze the hissing of an angry toilet tank. 220115
tender_square a throat rubbed with sandpaper. 220115
raze my bladder and my brain. 220203
e_o_i A fake awakening, in which I stared at the ceiling and conjured up wallpaper in the pattern of rocks. When two of those rocks turned into animated dancing lobsters, I freaked out (what's wrong with me? I don't usually hallucinate!) and then woke up for real.

The ceiling above me didn't change colours or shapes, except to display the moving-dot illusion that's part of normal vision. And then, my mind determined to be contrary, I registered brief disappointment.
raze a siren too tired to explain itself. 220204
tender_square my body sweating beneath sheets. 220204
tender_square aural hallucinations of children calling and crows cawing beyond my basement window at 3 am. 220207
raze a familiar voice saying goodbye. 220209
raze one little bird singing its heart out. 220212
raze a revving engine. 220215
raze that same little bird again. 220216
tender_square my internal alarm clock, waking me ten minutes ahead of schedule. 220216
raze the relative absence of what was expected to fall from the sky. 220217
past a forgotten silent alarm that's apparently been buzzing unattended an hour and a half before the actual alarm since the new year. 220217
tender_square the immobility of sleep paralysis turning my bones to bags of sand, my voice to a windless reed. 220219
raze the aftermath of a not_so_silent_night. 220219
raze the wind being a belligerent bastard. 220220
e_o_i My hand, which still smelled like garlic.

That's what I get for cooking.
e_o_i A reminder from my mind: "Exam: remember the k's and g's with w sounds. Centum and satem stuff. Look that up."

A whimper from Shiloh.

Near 7 AM, yipping from the same. Y. got up and took him outside to do his business. I was glad my room was upstairs instead of downstairs.

The alarm. I turned it off and went back to sleep until 10, sluggish with mental weight.
raze raindrops dancing on my skylight window. 220222
Bizzar not my alarm. oops. it's a good thing my tiny chaos goblin is an early riser. 220222
not not double negative nr the answer to this is rarely ever not my bladder 220222
tender_square i thought i’d woke by my own volition, but when i removed my earplugs and the furnace stopped running, i realized my alarm had been sounding on the lowest possible setting. 220222
raze what kerry said.

e_o_i I woke up at 7:30 when my alarm was set for 8:15, worried, but why?

Wanting to write in my journal?
A desire to shift my sleep schedule to be less of a night_owl after the break? (I don't think so, it wasn't premeditated)
sins of syntax (my alarm clock was worried, clearly) 220225
sems of semantics actually, the alarm clock was a phone 220225
kerry my neighbor revving his vintage motorcycle practically under my window

it was 8:30 so, okay, but i was enjoying my dream.
raze a recycling truck doing its business across_the_street. 220303
tender_square water in the sump pump well filling gradually and steadily, before being ceremoniously carried off into the storm drain. 220307
raze a conclave of blue jays screaming something brilliant, curving call into song. 220309
raze a robin chirping, "the sun is here. the sun is here. hey. hey. open your eyes. the sun is here." 220310
raze a lone member of the dogchestra, shouting into the void. 220311
raze the sleepy city's morning_breath. 220312
raze daylight_savings_time making a mockery of every clock not advanced enough to accommodate its arrogance without human intervention. 220313
raze love. 220329
raze sleet. 220330
raze the wind getting carried away again. 220331
tender_square rain pellets improvising a jazz drum solo on the window well cover. 220331
raze a car alarm that wouldn't quit. 220401
raze two yappy dogs trying to out-yap each other.

(it was a controversial draw.)
raze people with too much time and too little imagination driving in circles as fast as possible. 220603
raze last night's emotional leftovers. 220604
raze hope that curdled into fermented cream. 220606
past fear that my alarm would wake up the little who i took to the spare room after he had a nightmare.

i fell back to sleep.

then the alarm itself, waking said little, costing me my morning hour to my self.
raze someone racing or chasing ghosts at 6:45 a.m. 220614
kerry thunder 220614
raze (same here.) 220616
kerry thunder again, so loud it felt like the ceiling would cave in 220616
raze my stomach warbling a perfect g above middle c. 220618
nr did you just feel in your gut that it was a G? (har har) 220618
raze (that made me cackle. i wasn't sure if it was a g at first; i had to sing the note and check to be sure. but it was very clear, and very musical, which isn't like my stomach at all.) 220618
tender_square a dream where my father asked me if i was moving on to a phd. my response to him wasi know i could do it, but i have no interest in working in academia after.” 220619
raze the last bit of rain we're likely to get before the next heat_event. 220620
raze the rattling of a pedestal fan that's too old and too tired to care about quieting the sound of its twisted thoughts. 220621
raze two members of the dogchestra warming up their vocal cords. 220630
raze the fear of sleeping_in after i_woke_up two hours late in a dream. 220707
kerry anxiety 220707
raze a hand on my knee and nine whispered words. 220708
raze some thoughtful person's bass-heavy car stereo blasting shitty music, bleeding into my dream before kicking me out of it. 220719
nr more power drilling in the building.

reasons why drilling is not a good replacement alarm:
-it wakes you up two hours before you need to wake up
-it doesn’t stop even after you’ve woken up
-it makes you hate everything
tender_square the panic of oversleeping, dreams dissipating like dust-blown particles into air. 220719
raze my own mind pushing away the last hour of sleep i hoped to get. 220720
raze the same thing that woke me up yesterday. 220721
tender_square the chime of my alarm, thirteen minutes too late. 220721
raze thunder at 4:40 a.m. 220723
tender_square the silver light of a rained-out morning. 220723
raze disquiet. 220724
raze city_workers inventing another bullshit nothing job so they can siphon more money from the pockets of taxpayers who are too busy looking at their phones to notice their pants growing lighter. 220725
tender_square back muscles that contracted into clench. 220725
raze the need to sing another blues_song_for_my_bladder. 220726
tender_square something shifting in the organs of the fridge. either that or some glass jarred condiments were getting it on in the dark. 220726
raze pain. 220727
tender_square the smell of ripe armpits. 220731
raze the last of my half_asleep_thoughts. 220801
raze the distant thrum of electronic drums. 220812
raze the need to pee (again). 220813
e_o_i anticipation of a craft_show, ten minutes before my 7 AM alarm 220813
raze same_shit_different_day. 220820
e_o_i oddly_specific_recurring_dream (counts as same_shit_different_day) 220820
raze a delayed_storm, complete with thunder_like_a_gunshot. 220821
tender_square panic. 220823
raze for the first time in forever, a train_whistle. but i got back to sleep. 220824
raze i wish i knew. 220825
raze some idiot neighbour banging on bullshit. 220826
tender_square furious footsteps. 220828
raze that same fan whining instead of rattling, exchanging a sound i'm used to by now for one i haven't heard before. 220831
e_o_i Even though I'm not working today, my boss calling me to ask about possible students for a mini-group class (it was past 10 AM...I'd fallen back asleep, not early_to_rise) 220831
raze something running around on the roof. 220901
tender_square a starling crack of thunder shattering sky (alas, the storm was only in my dreams). 220901
raze three stunning unfiltered pictures and a beautiful face in motion. 220902
tender_square a lost earplug. 220902
tender_square aches in the spaces between bones. 220908
raze another fine specimen who saw fit to race a nonexistent opponent at 5:30. 220909
raze (and again.) 220910
tender_square the end of a dream where all i had left to offer him was crumbs. 220913
tender_square his restless limbs electric with fear for the future. 220917
raze unnecessary low_end_information. 220918
raze the angriest thunder i've ever heard. 220919
tender_square scratching that i was certain came from a rodent but was simply rain pattering a decrepit window. 220919
raze dread. 220921
raze the residue of imagined loss. 220929
tender_square a chill worming through the holes in the afghan. 220929
tender_square the flotsam of stress dreams. 221005
raze my old friend the fucking train_whistle. 221006
tender_square the panic of having missed him. 221006
tender_square the bathroom door’s tongue catching the latch as my father dealt with an upset stomach. 221007
tender_square pieces of metal bumping and grinding. 221008
tender_square a dream where i kissed my ex-husband back from the brink of anaphylactic shock. 221015
tender_square a concerned shake from my husband because i was screaming aloud and in my dreams and could not ascertain or recall why. 221028
tender_square a light emanating from the hallway. 221029
raze the low roar of some idiot engine. 221101
past the sound of loud coughing and tears, and the acidic smell of bile beside me. 221102
raze the uncertainty imparted by dst. 221106
tender_square backache and dehydration. 221106
raze my old friend. the train_whistle. 221107
raze (turns out i already blathed that a month ago, only with more profanity. ha.) 221107
tender_square the lethargy of being drop-kicked by the universe despite sleeping for seven straight hours. 221109
raze everything. 221110
tender_square a perfect square of moonlight. 221110
raze the soulless music of studied incompetence. 221114
tender_square a dream about photocopying. 221114
raze a thoughtless asshole. 221116
tender_square a wildebeest. 221116
raze my growling_stomach. 221117
raze the ghost of what woke me the day before yesterday. 221118
raze the gentle tug of indifference. 221119
raze the groaning of a low-flying airplane. 221120
raze the same shit that woke me up yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that, and the day before that, and the day before that. the same shit that'll wake me up again tomorrow, and the next day, and the next, and the day after that.

feels like i haven't_slept_in_years. i don't know why i bother trying to sleep at all anymore.
tender_square the rain's soft babble. 221127
raze the wind throwing its weight around again. 221130
raze the cold kiss of december. 221201
raze nothing. for once. 221202
tender_square a dream where i was waiting in line for an amusement park while someone sold knockoff t-shirts to the crowd. 221203
past being peed on by a three year old. 221205
e_o_i past, you have my sympathy but also amusement!

What woke me up? A sense of restedness, relief that I could sleep despite the itchiness (but the itchy sensation came back soon enough; it retreats when I stay still).

Please go away, itch. I have exciting life things to do, like syntax and crying.
raze the same mindless wheeze that short-circuits my internal clock every morning now. 221206
past e_o_i, i am truly live the most glamorous life of all the skites. 221206
past (makes typos) (i am truly live? how did that "am" get there?) 221206
raze recycling being collected at 6:25. 221208
raze noise-induced insomnia. 221209
raze the roar of four low_flying_planes. 221210
raze the fear of sleeping_in (again). 221214
tender_square my back creaking like an old hinge. 221214
lycanthrope a drawn breath, a drawn bath, a drawn face.

the mellowing and then intensifying
charcoal passes of morning.

a slap in the mirror like a prizefighter

a vague feeling that something terribly
important has been forgotten
since I last closed my eyes.

the round hips of love
and lazy morning lust.

the demand for tribute
from an ancient species
the matutinal meow.

the cruel reminder from an already
warm toilet seat
that you're already a step behind.

missing the waste basket
with the poem you just crumpled
as you confess to yourself

it's always been mostly coffee.
raze renegade rain that should have been snow. 221215
tender_square the dismay of having overslept when i'd planned to pack. 221220
past a vomitting child. 221220
raze it doesn't matter anymore. i wish i never woke up at all. 221221
tender_square my bonfire hair seeping into the pillowcase. 221222
past a screaming toddler ready for the day way to early. 221222
raze a wordless special_weather_statement. 221223
tender_square a dream where i watched my father drown and couldn't save him. 221225
raze a dream in which one of my friends was killed by a cat. 221228
tender_square a mouth so dry that no water could could wet it. 221230
tender_square thinking about vintage telephone tables. 221231
raze cold engines idling. 230104
raze a neighbour whose whole life is low_end_information sitting in his driveway with his stereo turned up loud enough to make my scrotum and its angry occupants dance against their will. 230106
tender_square tinnitus and hoarseness. 230115
kerry anxiety and a sore neck. 230116
raze the same thing that's been ripping me out of sleep before i'm ready to leave almost every day for the last three months and change. 230117
e_o_i I don't know exactly what did the initial waking, but I kept awake because I started laughing about a dream I just had. Like, who dreams of hearing a novelty Christmas song about the fall of the Berlin wall?? If only every dream of mine could be blessed with such silly specificity! I lay in bed giggling - and it's VERY rare I'm in a good humour when I wake up for the day before meaning to (it was 6 and my alarm was set for 6:45). 230117
e_o_i (I put the remembered lyrics in my pink notebook, but it's not with me now. If I don't collapse into an exhausted heap when I get home, it's definitely going on blather.) 230117
raze rain and recycling trucks. 230119
raze the same sound that's going to kill me. 230120
raze the train_whistle that never ceases, a yappy dog throwing a tantrum, and the neighbour who fancies himself a poet sitting in his driveway blasting talk_radio so loud i could almost feel the voices of strangers kissing my colon. in that order. 230127
tender_square the slow, steady trickle of melting snow as it fell into the sump pump well, like chinese water torture. 230127
raze my body's memory of what woke me yesterday. 230128
raze the pounding of my pulse through the palm of my hand. 230129
tender_square cats in the throes of passion. 230130
tender_square sinusitis. 230131
tender_square essex_terminal_railway 230201
raze it doesn't even matter anymore. 230202
raze something thick and heavy being struck. 230203
tender_square the white light of day so incandescent it burned through my sleep mask. 230205
past getting vomited on. (incidentally, this is also what woke me up in the middle of the night.) 230208
raze god's piss pelting my least favourite pane of glass. 230209
tender_square overwhelming loneliness. 230213
raze take a guess. 230214
tender_square the panic of hearing footsteps on stairs. i was convinced someone had broken in the basement and was stomping up the stairs to my floor. turns out, my next door neighbour was clomping around in boots on his deck outside my bedroom window. 230216
tender_square roofers driving nails into my consciousness at six a.m. 230217
raze the desperate groaning of a pneumatic engine that should have been put out of its misery a long time ago. 230223
raze yet another blues_song_for_my_bladder. 230224
raze a bird with a song like a wet skipping stone. 230227
tender_square inexplicable thunder. 230227
tender_square two feral cats getting mighty territorial. 230228
raze my gut voicing a litany of rhythmic complaints. 230308
tender_square bursts of birdsong. 230309
tender_square pieces of velcro being torn apart. 230311
raze my own goddamn gummed-up brain. 230312
raze my belligerent belly saying, "beat it." 230313
raze a woodpecker doing work. 230319
raze my old friend the train_whistle. 230320
raze a bird in search of a booty call, a jackass racing invisible opponents in the dark, a city vehicle as ugly as the inner workings of its occupants, and a dog who never shuts up even though it has nothing of substance to say. in that order. 230330
raze a dove's persistent single-note song. 230402
raze the antiquated ass cheese of a loudmouth locomotive. 230411
past bird song at dawn floating in the open window. 230413
raze recycling_day. 230414
raze the sound of the city killing another healthy tree. 230421
Elytis An exam I was happy to finish. When I was done my prof whispered "I wish you'd come back, you're a really good writer". It's a dead dream now, but not the end of everything. 230421
raze the bottom of the big toe on my right foot going numb. 230424
raze stephanie's yappy dog barking at his own shadow. 230425
raze (and again.) 230428
tender_square a dream about the board game monopoly. and i wonder if it's chance cards mean something (go directly to jail; do not pass go, do not collect $200). 230429
jane these days
it’s almost always
the orange cat
raze a door opening on its own. 230503
tender_square the chime from the alarm i set when i worried that i would sleep the day away. 230507
raze my neighbour sitting in his driveway blasting bass-heavy bullshit music. 230508
raze my father's voice, stirring me from a sleep that for once wasn't interrupted by the soulless machinery of a world that values profit over people. 230509
raze the ringing of a phantom doorbell. 230513
tender_square a dream where the tenant grabbed my ass and said "come sit on my lap." 230513
tender_square a dream about an ex-boyfriend where he admitted plainly to my parents and to me how much of a drug addict he used to be. 230514
raze everything. 230516
tender_square a dream where my sisters were living with me because my attitude was "life already sucks with the tenant, why not add more?" i was still trying to ice them out while we lived in the same space, sharing a kitchen and a bathroom. 230516
tender_square the stench of skunk, the worry of work, the residue of a dream where i was ingratiating toward my ex-husband. 230605
raze a muffler that needs to be put out of its misery. 230607
raze the city taking an hour and a half to collect the recycling on our street.

it's not a long street.
raze yet another bird_before_the_sun. 230622
raze a sore ear. 230629
raze what sounded like someone knocking twice on my bedroom window. 230708
past future wailing, one of her brothers kicking me. 230708
tender_square a dream where i was rummaging through a fridge, studying cubed jewels of fruit floating in their syrup of their making. 230709
past a muffled alarm singing through the heap of blankets on the floor beside the bed i was sleeping in, after being displaced from my own by two of the littles in the night. 230711
raze a thunderstorm at 5:00 a.m. 230715
tender_square the dew of a new day. 230715
raze the sound of someone who couldn't be bothered to put their garbage out last night chucking plastic pails onto their lawn at the last possible second. 230719
tender_square a work-related stress dream when i am a woman without deadlines. 230727
tender_square the bravado of bullfrogs. 230729
tender_square the pressing need to urinate at dawn's insistence. 230730
raze someone with no life making love to their lawn. 230731
raze what sounded like two airplane engines having sloppy sex. 230822
raze the squeaking of the front_door. 230823
raze the same storm that raged all night and bled into my dreams. 230824
tender_square lightning strobing the sky more frequently than a rave. 230824
raze the sound of someone shovelling nonexistent snow in late august. 230828
raze i'll give you a hint: it rhymes with "brain thistle". 230829
raze another faceless person in a hurry to go nowhere. 230830
e_o_i The tendency of fluids to move downwards (3 AM: having to pee. 6:30 AM: loud rain). 230830
raze the squeaky door again. twice. 230905
raze a neighbour opening and closing her car doors about a million times. 230911
raze two people who didn't know how to properly lock their vehicles. 230913
raze one of the least talented members of the dogchestra. 230914
raze more street racing, a dead air_conditioner, the need to piss, and two overpaid assholes mutilating a tree. 230915
raze two goons collecting garbage. 230920
Soma My cat curling up onto my outstretched arm, his small claws flexing into me in a show of happiness blended with discomfort. They startle me with a sharpness that doesn’t cut, but stings. I roll onto my side, carefully shifting him off my bones and onto the designated pillow around which my body curls like some clingy babe. It’s dim still, and my bleary gaze turns to the window, where I can just barely see the peaks ofThe Dogwatching the house where I sleep. “Too early for you to risehis leafy voice rustles. So i go back to bed, a cat purring next to my core. 230921
raze the idling of idiot engines. 230923
Soma The clatter of a prescription bottle of pills hitting the tile floor. 230924
raze imaginary blood. 230926
raze the sound of empty cardboard containers and glass jars being thrown. 230928
raze the power cutting out and coming back on again. 231004
raze street racing before there was any sun in the sky, someone blasting bass-heavy music loud enough to knock the fillings from god's teeth, and then the same chainsaw noise that ripped me out of sleep yesterday. 231019
raze the mumbling of some imagined engine. 231024
Soma A heavy crash. I hear the sound of rummaging downstairs, something being knocked over, plastic being scooted. I'm home alone, or so I thought.

Creeping down the stairs I hear a sneeze. A small one. Cat sized. The only intrusion is apparently that of my feline companion into the pantry. He's somehow opened the latch and is helping himself to kibble and treats.
raze the melody of a song that doesn't exist, that fled as soon as i finished dreaming it. 231026
raze smacking my knee on the back of a heavy wooden tv stand. 231031
raze the wind doing a fine impersonation of a woodpecker. 231102
raze the train_whistle. on a sunday. on a fucking sunday.

thirteen months of this now. i don't remember what a decent sleep feels like. it doesn't exist anymore. it never will again.
raze the train_whistle. again. at 6:51. because why should this_year be any different from the last? 240103
raze the same putrid sound pissing in my ear at the exact same time. 240104
raze steel and glass. 240105
raze wind that sounded like a giant pushing a massive shopping cart full of everything that mattered to them. 240113
raze the realization that i'd slept in. 240117
raze two low_flying_planes. 240202
raze the train whistle. the train whistle. the train whistle. teouf wdhguoeghfiuy ewhoudewhfouhe. 240208
raze a dream about a tree that left me as soon as i opened my eyes. 240209
raze the train whistle. at 1:30. then again at 6:45. destroying my sleep on both ends. i don't know why i bother getting out of bed anymore. there's no peace. there's no relief. it never ends. it only gets worse. 240223
raze emotional scar tissue tearing itself open while i slept. 240225
raze the menacing howl of some invisible motor. 240227
raze the sky being an asshole. 240428
raze a multidisciplinary moron mowing his lawn. 240514
e_o_i The first time, too early? Rhymes with "train" and is airborne.

And then hogs. A barge lumber of hogs, parking.

(I'm not used to this leaving-window-open weather yet.)
raze a storm that sounded like a flood. 240525
raze street racing at 6:40 a.m. 240601
raze a collage of imagined car horn histrionics. 240613
raze someone banging on something. 240614
raze a thunderstorm that shook the sky before the sun saw fit to show itself. 240617
raze another storm that shivered and swelled all night long. it must have interrupted my sleep twenty times. 240629
raze the thoughtful neighbour who's been "doing work" in his back yard for two months now, with no end in sight. 240711
raze and again. 240723
Soma nothing – except my own cessation of sleep. 240723
Soma the piercing shrill whine of a large, idling truck engine. 240724
Soma Nonsensical yells in the neighbor's driveway giving way to a "fuck you!" before the throaty growl of a car could be heard as it sped away. 240725
Soma that fucking truck. 240726
Soma pain in my abdomen. I stayed awake, relieved in the knowledge that it was last time I would ever feel this particular pain. 240727
raze the end of a dream about a writer i've never met. 240728
raze the heavy drumming of rain at 3:00 a.m. 240730
raze three farts from a foghorn. 240812
raze a storm i wasn't told to expect. 240827
e_o_i An Amber Alert broadcast on phones, I think about a grandmother kidnapping her granddaughter in a nearby town. To me it was just an annoying sound, but I hope whatever problems in that family are made bearable and the kid is all right. 240827
raze the train_whistle, for what must have been the six hundredth time. 240828
Soma Nothing woke me as i was already awake, staring listlessly at the whirring ceiling fan above me. 240830
raze more 3:00 a.m. rain. 240831
raze an endless string of half_asleep_thoughts. 240905
Soma the sound of the garbage trucks driving about, their deep rumbling engines going down the street behind our house. 240905
raze that same thoughtful person who still hasn't finished work on his ugly deck and enclosed porch and has been destroying my ability to sleep, wake up, or relax in my own house for four months now. 240906
raze a truck collecting yard waste. 240907
Soma a spasm of pain as it appears my chest attempted to draw my brain down into it overnight. 240913
raze the train_whistle. because why should anything change after two years of near-constant torment? 240923
raze the knowledge of what's coming, and my inability to circumvent it. 240929
raze the train_whistle. at 6:50. just like old times. 241003
raze the government-mandated widening of a sidewalk no one ever uses. 241004
raze the lonesome moan of an airplane. 241009
raze the recycling truck (a thursday special). 241010
raze the usual shit. 241011
Soma A dream that I had gone to work as an unexpected exorcist, and was listening to the demons whispering in my mattress. I closed my eyes, and they pulled me under the covers, submerged me in darkness. As I began to suffocate, I woke up, tangled in the sheets and certain I still heard them rasping in the back of my skull.

I turned on the lights and cried in the middle of the floor, shaking like I’d just narrowly missed death.
raze for the first time in recent_memory, only my internal_clock. 241014
raze a thoughtful person revving their engine repeatedly. at 5:30. in the dark. 241029
raze a headache. 241112
raze mother nature's morning_breath. 241126
raze three low_flying_planes. 241202
raze the train_whistle. it's only been twenty-six months of ceaseless sonic torture. so_what? 241203
raze the wind. the train_whistle. a recycling truck. an airplane. in that order. 241205
Soma I was cold, uneasy, and wide awake. It was 4am on the nose, and there wasn't a single reason I could tell awoke me. I trundled downstairs to have a cup of tea, then went back to sleep.

When I woke again at 6am, I saw that I had missed a text message from my beloved. Timestamp of 4:01am. "Are you up? I'm so anxious and want to talk."

But all the connections in the world and I still missed that text.
Soma Another bloody coughing fit. 241207
raze some moron driving like a maniac at 4:35. 241209
raze planes_trains_and_automobiles. 241220
raze spilling water all over myself. 241230
raze a headache and my own growling_stomach. 250101
raze the train_whistle singing a discordant duet with a recycling truck. 250103
raze more of the planes that now shatter daily whatever pockets peace i might otherwise be able to enjoy. 250107
raze same thing again. it's now replaced the train_whistle as my constant companion.

Jus Partner brought me a flat white in bed. Coffee.is.life. 250109
raze street racing at 4:20. 250114
Soma The incessant meowing of a fat white cat, angry at my absence and insistent on an immediate return to routine. 250114
raze six low_flying_planes on a sunday. 250119
Soma pain in my knees from falling asleep on a sofa too slender and small for my whole body. 250119
Soma I was already wide awake when the second hand ticked over, and I continued to be when the neighbors got home from their bars 250120
raze an airplane that sounded like it was going to crash into our house at 6:23.

this shit gets better all the time.
ego hum the need to pee 250124
ego hum Oh Yeah? 250124
raze someone revving their engine at 5:30. someone racing at 6:55. then a bunch of planes, followed by the train_whistle.

a veritable greatest hits album.
FauxGrr My bulldog howling as usual. 250128
raze a dream that convinced me i'd slept in. 250207
raze an airplane that sounded like it was going to crash into our house at 5:25. 250212
raze a loud bang i might have imagined. 250214
e_o_i Apparently, a bright moon. I'm all in favour of the moon, but not so much it waking me up in the middle of the night.

Then, at a better hour, my phone buzzing gmmm, gmmm with messages.
e_o_i (not even for me, a group chat on WhatsApp, but I'd forgotten to set my alarm, so it all worked out) 250214
what's it to you?
who go