silentbob quiet

are you the person you let people see? or are you wearing a mask?
birdmad i keep mine on because somewhere along the line i lost my real face

( o god did i ever have a real face ?)
silentbob No idea, i've never seen it 010207
quotree "your face is just a mask you wear
but masks are hidden faces"
looozer! Why are we sometimes forced to put on a mask? Because of people. People judge us. We do not like people to judge us, so we put on a mask. Simple.. isn't it? 010302
TerraCotta I once wore a mask.
It allowed me to hide from the world.
I didn't want anybody to see me.

I was afraid of what people would say.
I was afraid they wouldn't like what they saw.
I needed to hide...
guitar_freak i used to hide behind some sort of an altered state of me. never really worked so i just became me and showed who i really was. THAT didn't work as i hoped it would and now the whole world hates me for me. i guess that is better than liking me for something im not. 010303
silentbob i look like eric stoltz in mask 010928
remorfus Every conception you have of yourself is a mask.
They are chipped and broken containers, vessels which can not hold the light.
There are layers upon layers.
There is no chewy center.
Behind all the masks is nothing.
Blessed are those who heed the call of the abyss.
PeeT he pulled a mask out of his coat pocket and put it on over his face. it looked just like his own face but there was a permanent frown formed upon it that forced him to seem sad when he spoke. 120404
what's it to you?
who go