raze if i fall back
into ultraviolet light
and radiant heat
that kicks against
the coming chill,
will there be day enough left
to catch me?
unhinged boooooo 211107
raze (i'm with you there. if you hear a distant "hiss" in the aftermath of your "boo", that's me.) 211107
nr this might be the first year ever that i forgot about it before it happened. my mom used to remind us for years, even in adulthood, even when devices did it for you, "don't forget to change your clocks!" 211107
nr apparently ontario petitioned to opt out of it, but we need to wait to see if quebec and new york get on board too. 211107
nr let's all go back in time together and fall_back into the darkness 221105
raze i've decided the best way to deal with dst is to pretend it doesn't exist. i don't care what the clock says anymore. i'll eat when i'm hungry and sleep when i'm able, for all the good it does me. 230312
past why can't we all be saskatchewan (and yukon) instead of always waiting for someone else to trigger our change to not changing. 230312
what's it to you?
who go