Soma i was born in the wet of the womb
dried warmly and wrapped in sterile delivery room
I looked out to the world with no deafening cry
until i was carried away and with trembling sigh
came rivers and streams of the tears
a thing that forever would flow through my years
Soma so I wept and god bottled each drop
a frustrating choice as Id rather they stop
the pastor says that I need to fully accept
how despite all that bible only once jesus wept
i never felt holy but cried a lot more
but not on a cross just cold tile floors
Soma all my tears werent enough there was red
staining porcelain bowls and my childhood bed
Soma I accepted this fate as inevitable death come to me 240324
Soma and the crying would end at a cost - only me 240324
Soma but the red birthed a new me a loon
and the crying I had would increase with each moon

So I counted the days on a chart
but like crying for me there was never a start
nor an end just a terrible forever always ongoing part
what's it to you?
who go