amy & the theatres double they went too_far. in the past, it has taken me many months to recover. i am not too cool for school. 031128
lotuseater ever drink enough cough syrup to start seein stuff? 031129
amy 'fraid not. i tend to have too much luck with real drugs, so it's too risky for me to experiment with them.

the good news is that i'm recovering very quickly from these most recent hallucinations -- i imagined that i was being attacked while i gave a lecture a couple weeks ago. i WILL learn to balance upheaval with equilibrium, eventually. this time, it was the help from my friends that sailed me through. :)

damns her sensitivities.
raze surprised as i am by what i see, i'm just as stunned by what i don't. 240301
what's it to you?
who go