sarpedon I want to forget it all
Dream it all away
And let it fall into the ocean
Every piece
Piece by piece
Following the fluttering imagery
And drifting thoughts

Crashing into the capped waves
And making one impact
Before it all is swept away
Beneath the water network
That sits and waits
Far below the surface

Where no one has gone before
Where thoughts go to rest
And emptiness and desperation
Finish their peaceful existence
Outside of sentient interactions

I want to forget it all
And sit beside the white spray
Where no one can see
No one for miles

And ask where all the people have gone
Why I've decided to leave it all behind
Shouting to the salty air
Wondering why I feel this way so often
Where all the people have gone

Arms trembling in exhaustion
I want to shake myself clean
Lose all the earthly bonds
And present myself as I am to the sky

. . .

I want someone to be there
To hold and understand this life
And to give her the chance to
Feel the same freedom I do at this moment
To smile beneath the waves
And resurrect what I've buried below

To not feel ashamed at these thoughts
To not feel the need to be
Anonymous all the time

To sit and hold, without saying a word,
And in a grasp, tell more words
Than an artful picture could ever tell

Hearing her voice at a distance
Amid the crashing waves in the
Middle of an ecstatic storm:
And with care, running to her need,
Comforting even her most
Desperate thoughts.

Loving her as she is
For everything she is.

. . .

And hearing her fall asleep in my
Awkward and clumsy arms
Drifting off to peaceful dreams

And in my own slumber,
Zooming out upon the beach
Out upon the sky and the frosty oceans

Two souls wrapped and entwined
Dreaming on this terra firma spread out.
what's it to you?
who go