from now on ring ring
ding ding
dong ding
dong ding
raze it gets stuck sometimes. a letter carrier will ring the doorbell, and after they're gone i'll hear this ominous buzzing that keeps getting louder without ever really leaving the realm of the subliminal, as if the whole house has become an angry refrigerator and i'm a half-empty carton of milk hidden behind a jug of orange juice. it always takes me a minute to remember it's just a button that sticks, and once it's been eased back into place the tone will sound a second time before all fades to silence. 220106
tender_square it’s battery operated. it takes three thick c-24 alkaline’s to power. when the chime stopped working, i dug out the old dead tubes and laid the new ones in like children forced to share a bed, alternating their bodies head to feet so they’d all fit. but the chime refused to ring afterward, opting for a vow of silence instead. i put a piece of masking tape over the buzzer and neatly wrote in thin black sharpie “out of order.” the elements have stripped the ink away, leaving a ghostly outline of language. this is a house of arrivals unspoken. this is a house of words rubbed out. 220106
what's it to you?
who go