raze you amplify everything that touches you. a dusting of rain becomes a hailstorm. hail becomes the sound of the apocalypse. fissures in the paint beneath your frame make it look like you have uneven sideburns, or a serious case of leg length discrepancy. you never show me the moon when i ask you to. you only see what you want to see. when i close my eyes, the suggestion of your tilted face hovers in the center of my self-imposed blindness. your mouth is always open, but you never speak. you don't have to tell me anything. i know where you sleep. 220106
tender_square sun slinks through a rooftop pane of sand
heated to hardness, time’s grains a nimbus
surrounding his sleepy head. to drink
the cream of his skin, pour a splash of silk
into blackened coffee, dilute
the definition of a day. at night,
he won’t see luna in her shapely ways
above, and yet he knows the shadows
that silhouette her face; what distills
her features to a dot of froth smudged
against the far-flung sky. the milk of her
sustenance spills into his dreams,
sweetening his breath with her scent,
lips warm with the memory of her kiss.
what's it to you?
who go