mikey tendrils grip and grope
against the fabric
of my mind without hope

hope means failure
something to cling to
where is the rope

creeping ever slowly
its as if
it really knows me

like a small part
of some master plan
with weapons in hand

not truly hidden
it just appears
the fuel are my fears

often i beat it
win the battle
but im left in tears

but a question
i must ponder
often sit and wonder

if i win a battle
but in the end
i lose the war

what will my fortress be then?
mikey it'll be in shambles
broken and torn
chasm in the earth

it'll feel my scorn
ridicule and wrath
chaos is born

the seed is planted
and yes its wanted
the sounding of the horn

is my fortress still standing?
Aimee Mikey, I've said it before and I love saying it again. I love the way you write. :) 010311
mikey into the ashes
my feet go
paving the way

does anyone know
how to sew
it all back together

now its ruined
all gone to dust
my heart is now rust

where will i build my new fortress?
misstree slow, easy grip,
lightly tangling,
drawing down
beneath the surface
until silently,
you slip away.
Fido When I was little I used to hide in the laundry and stick my arms out like tendrils and wave them around and go "Rawrrr!"

I scared even MYSELF.
what's it to you?
who go