amy hi! 030206
een stom kind hey! whatsup? 030207
earth Hello, how are you? 030208
pilgrim Hang in there, Old Girl! 030209
misanthropic bird right about now, i'll bet she's wishing she could wash us all off, regarding us as disturbingly sentient lice 030209
xle i'm so sorry
so very sorry
mcdougall If the earth could speak back, what language would it say hello in...

Hello, how are you?
¿Hola, cómo es usted?
你好, 你好吗?
Bonjour, comment allez-vous?
Hallo, wie geht es Ihnen?
Ciao, come siete?
こんにちは, 御元気ですか?
여보세요, 어떻게 너는 이어는가?
Hello, como são você?
Black Argonaut the blatant result of too much free time 030212
mcdougall blacky, see: college 030212
frAnk the earth speaks in a language even the smallest child can understand. and her words are beautiful in their simple eloquence.

unless she decides to throw a fit. and then swears up a fucking storm.
Black Argonaut i am el nino! all other tropical storms must bow to me: el nino! el nino is spanish for... the nino! 030217
i 3 krang muahahaha 030218
amy She displays Her beauty, the greater being in which humans function as a nervous (quite!) system. 030502
what's it to you?
who go