dear brain, sometimes i don't understand you. i imagine there are times you don't understand me either. we seem to conduct our business with a sort of precarious unspoken truce colouring everything, with the buried threat that at any moment anything could throw it all off balance and lead to complete chaos. whatever you might be plotting in the event that this truce breaks down, i can match you blow-for-blow. just so you know. i hope the weather's nice inside my skull and you're getting enough oxygen. i hope you don't carry a grudge over some of the stupid things i've done that you've had to go along with. hey, it's not like you haven't played a role there. don't go thinking your hands are totally clean. yeah, i know. you don't have any hands. you're a brain. oh, and thanks for all the brain_movies. you continue to find ways to surprise me while i'm sleeping, and i really do appreciate it. a request, though, if i could? more mystery and weird romance-themed dreams would be nice. i always enjoy those. how about a psychological thriller with a romantic interlude that ends really badly, and some good music on the soundtrack, and a cameo appearance by mickey rourke during the climactic fight scene? no rush. but maybe that's something for you to work on. there are some other minor issues i have, like that thing you do where you wake me up in the middle of the night and convince me i'm dying (i'm still not a big fan of that, to be honest, even if you seem to get a kick out of it), but i'll save those for another time. mostly i just wanted to touch base with you. stay warm, or cool, or whatever temperature you prefer to be. .
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if brains were birds, you'd be a strange bird indeed. just thought you should know.
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when one does a fair amount of writing, it can be easy to fall into the trap of overusing certain words. like, say, "meretricious". or "grandiloquent". so if you could keep tabs on how things are humming along in the vocabulary department, it would be much appreciated. you know what they say...redundancy is stagnation's one true love, and theirs is a painfully unexciting union to observe. surely someone, somewhere, said that once. surely.
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epitome of incomprehensibility
Dear brain, When I am feeling guilty about accidentally killing my mother's computer, please don't turn this guilt into a dream about my mother getting sick and dying. Just don't. Have the government mix my shampoo with radioactive materials, vampire kittens sink their teeth into my neck, the wronged academic genius decide after all that violent revenge is better than that (rather gender-normative) cutoff of communication... or rather, amuse me rather than depress me so I can have something funny to write in one of the dream blathes next time. Sincerely, .
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i would like it if, when i'm sleep-deprived, you didn't neglect your duty to keep an eye out for words that mysteriously vanish in the middle of sentences. my proofreading skills are only as effective as you allow them to be. see? you almost did it again right there. i typed "the middle sentences", and you were going to let me hit the "blather" button without saying a thing about the missing "of". we need to communicate. thank you in advance for your attention to this delicate matter.
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why would you let me use "big-nosed" as a description twice in the space of a week? it was the right description both times, sure, but i think twice in a week is about as far as it should go. maybe file that one away and don't reach for it again for a year or two, yeah?
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if you're going to come up with interesting music in dreams three or four nights in a row, maybe you could let me remember at least one of those songs. what's it gonna be? 'cause i can't pretend. don't you wanna be more than friends? oh god. you just made me quote en vogue lyrics. you … you monster.
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you sure like having an excuse to slip into "problem-solving mode", don't you? well, it works for me.
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thanks for the reprieve.
what's it to you?