aM i DiStUrBeD? You make a quick-witted joke,
We all laugh at your expense.
Because this isn’t our time
we’re wasting.
It’s yours, and
You're the fool.
A donkey ambles past our classroom.
I sit and ponder,
Wondering from which artistic mind
it came from.
The students acting at a ring,
begin to pack away.
But my mind still an open book.
But it’s not mine, it’s yours, and
You're the fool.
It’s like you walk around with a sign.
People are only nice to your face,
Trust me.
Don’t you see that?
Cause you don’t.
You're the fool.
You're the man who gave us
new rules.
Who gave us our orders,
we must follow.
You ordered death to our being.
But you don’t see that,
we can see that:
You're the fool.
what's it to you?
who go