jane once again
my secrets are revealed
my past repulses me
even though it makes me
who i am.


i forgot
who i was
without a glass of whiskey


my calling
is to drown myself
in socializing
even though the plastic
that fall out of my mouth
later make me ill.


(bukowski would be proud)
jane {note: my apologies to stork_daddy on blue for stealing the first line from a beautiful poem of his} 080716
jane dear

in light of recent tragedies
i feel as shallow as s sink
although the self referential
reflection of such deems it not so.


forgive me.
i've fallen into a bottle
and can't get out.


if heads could fall off -
mine would.


in light of recent tragedies
mine is trivial and
should be forgotten


mistakes we've made
should never
define our lives
unhinged .

(that's why i don't drink whiskey anymore; i am beginning to feel the same way about tequila)
(not telling never)^2 When I wake up these mornings
I still have all my baggage
and my luck
and my funk
and my fuck, oh_fuck
(hey it rhymed, and I'm ____)

new stanza.
I should have been born in (X)
I should have been born a (Y)
and I should have been born to (Z,and Q)
or maybe I just shouldn't have at all.
I was willed into this world by (R + S)
or so I'm told, but who really knows?
See, R + S dreamed I'd Z + Q in Timbuktu
tho truly I'd rather ? out of the blue.

? options I pretend to be real
I pretend I could pursue each with zeal
but the truth of the matter
is I ignore the pitter_patter
and listen to R,S, and do Z,Q
been told that's the deal.
unhinged affect 081002
unhinged drunk_blather 081107
what's it to you?
who go