epitome of incomprehensibility
The story behind this: in the slow days of 2020 or 2021, I was sitting in David's Verdun living room while he cooked dinner. I'd asked him if he needed help but he said no, there wasn't much left to do. What I could do was write. I tried to work on a scene of my novel, but I couldn't focus. I complained to him, frustrated with myself. He called from the kitchen, "Okay, here's a prompt! Write a poem starting 'Garlic is a funny bulb'!" Readers, I did. Garlic is a funny bulb, A mystery I cannot solb. There’s nothing like it on the glolb. I chanced upon a garlic plant One night when ants were adamant. I and the bulb stood hant to hant. I grasped it firmly by the hair; My offense caused it quite a scare. It fought most valiantly there. At last I summoned all my might. I pulled it as the moon pulls night. It fell upon me, wreathed in light. “Lo, I am fire,” quoth the root, “The taste of heat and life and loot. My heart is yours, but not my boot.” So ends the tale of garlic sour; I think upon it each half hour. Yet who can dream a finer flower?