raze i think once you've been with someone who smokes when you're someone who doesn't, the stubborn, bittersweet scent cigarettes give to clothes will always bring that person back to you, if only in the vapour of overheated memory. i'll never smell smoke in my hair the same way again. not that i'm conflating hair with clothing. it's a proximity thing. you know what i mean. don't you? 141017
flowerock I know what you mean. I spent a couple of years together with a smoker. Cigarette smoke was already attached to my mother along with fish oil, now it reminds me of both of them. Almost ironically, my mother and my ex _ husband are also the only two people I have felt the need to have a restraining order against or file any kind of paper work in court for. I never smoked cigarettes, now I don't really even smoke pot, I vaporize now and less often even then... both smokes carry memories of them and of camp fires outside in the cold air with friends... the cold air seems to exaggerate the scent of smoke, carry it further, maybe since cold air sinks the smells sink with it, they don't drift up an away... old milk mixed with cigarette smell, that's what he smelled like, I never liked it. That should have told me all I needed to know, that he wasn't the one for me.
But I am letting go of the past recently, more than, I al ready had. Just take the lessons a d run, stop digging in the hole of the past and start climbing up, motion is the present. And I have such wonderful gifts wrapped in this present now.
I am so so fortunate. And my partner now does not smoke nor does he drink cow milk in his coffee, and he smells amazing even when he "stinks" ^.~
unhinged whenever he treated me like shit out of some fucked up sense of self_deprecation he would say this.

'it is what it is'

it is not what it is. its what you fucking choose for it to be. you choose to do heroin. you choose to push anything good out of your life. you choose to point your finger at anyone else and take no responsiblity for yourself. you choose all of it. so it could very easily be something else.

every moment is a choice. every choice has put you here. it is not what it is; it is what you make it.
unhinged (both of my parents smoked when i was young. the smell of cigarette smoke on others has always been comforting to me) 141018
epitome of incomprehensibility To me, cigarettes smell nice when they're far enough away, especially the ones with cloves or other spicy smells. Cigars more so, I expect. Close up, I don't like the scent. I feel the same way about car exhaust, weirdly enough. A slight smell of gas station is a friendly smell. 141019
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