epitome of incomprehensibility Asshole_is_not_a_mental_illness, so why should this be my excuse? But I suppose it's why I got angry at my father today and then, afterwards, weepy and sentimental.

Now, to anyone who'd go, "Ah-HA, women are inherently emotional because PERIODS!" ...well, tiredness has the same effect on me, if not more so. You want me to have emotional ups and downs? Deprive me of sleep. Vwah-LA!

On the other side, I'm ridiculously lucky because I don't get abdominal cramps from this. When I heard the expression "period cramps" as a teenager, I thought, "Oh, so that uncomfortable, over-full feeling is called a cramp? I thought a cramp was a sharp pain, like when you get a stich in your side from running? Oh well, maybe 'cramp' means more than one thing - language is weird like that."

But I never voiced that thought then, and so I didn't get mauled to death by jealous classmates. (Because periods don't make you emotional when you aren't already, but they WILL make girls maul their classmates to death. It's just an instinct thing. The human body is a wonderful organism!)
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