raze maybe it's time to start calling this what it is. it isn't there all the time. but it's there. sometimes it's so thick i feel like i can't breathe. even my dreams are disappearing. i'm trying to be all right with everything i thought i was falling away from me. i'm trying to tell myself i've been here before. but that's a lie. the muscles i used to rely on to lift me out of trenches like this don't exist anymore. and my eyes have to work harder all the time to find the light through the haze of grime that stains these prescription lenses. every day another small scratch on the plastic that spends its life trying to pass for something more resilient. every day another dark nothing i try to fill with meaning. even the rain can't seem to find the strength to hit anything hard enough to leave a mark. i want to believe i still can. 220503
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