epitome of incomprehensibility For the first time in years my family "had Christmas" on the 25th. Usually we do presents/dinner later to fit it around others' vacation schedules - not an issue this time.

But we talked on the phone with my uncle and cousin. L., the cousin, was saying that because she couldn't be with us she'd convinced her mom to cook some turkey for Christmas.

My brother: "But did you do anything for Hanukkah?"

L.: "Yeah, we ate latkes."

And then I was telling the uncle I was glad there wasn't a famine on top of the pandemic (at least here - don't want to be too glib when other places I'm sure are having food shortages).

And my boyfriend was here for Christmas for the first time! The only person allowed, per "red zone" rules.

The awkward part: Dad reading the Bible, basically. The thing is, he said, "Let me do my favourite Christmas reading," and I was thinking, "Oh no, David will think he's trying to convert him," but he proceeded to read some Christmas-themed dialogue from Hamlet. "Phew," I thought. We sang some songs. And THEN he took out the Bible and read some of the Christmas story.

But I don't know if David found it awkward. Maybe it was just me. Maybe being too easily embarrassed is like getting anxious and angry too easily, and I have to let go.

Merryish Christmas! There is food!
what's it to you?
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