farmfish i took my thesaurus and slapped on a new purty cover. found a cut-out catch phrase (let's mess with perfection) and pasted it on, next to a statue of a girl covering her eyes like she be sayin'...."oh no!"

on thee back is billy elliot standin' with a bunch of girl ballerinas and then a few more midi phrases...

let's relearn.
let's start over.
let's evolve.

a fucking thesaurus is like wearing clothes. i can't go anywhere without it or the word police be draggin' my ass to jail, sayin'...."you can't say that shit, there's always a better way!"
cardigan boy lol

a thesarus is definitely the way to mess with perfection.
Zeb better yet, lets not....

yeah, i like that idea

but then why did i do it again?

bespeckled Let's slip this strap down,
and tangle this hair,
and smear some of this mascara.

Would you mind, letting me pierce your heart a little too? Just twist it, just a bit ... ah, there's that pained expression we were hoping to find.

And how about if we make you feel just a little worthless. A tiny bit used ... just empty enough.

Now that you're undone,
let's photograph this moment.
Let's keep it to remind ourselves.
Let's see what kind of masterpiece we can create.
bethany i'm to find something perfect? 021211
what's it to you?
who go