amy in red Is the point that we hold views in abeyance that are self destructive to other states of mind, or that we are all weak and confused by our unresolved multiple pots simmering on the stove? it is unclear if your meaning is dark, or more how hapless we are? because my answer was dark- as it usually is - it probably would make a difference to the quality of conversation, if i am "off" to your meaning (my lord) 160313
amy in red is it, like, A Midsummer Night's Dream
or Othello, man?
amy in red if it is rot it's death or a conflict. a child will be inventively neutral with a fresh mind that can stay innocent to what is bad or good about this or that. An old person will have simplified unnecessary terrors and forgotten more than he learned. But in between is all these rotting mortalities, that depend on just how seriously you want to take the act of living? not-the-grateful-dead-approach is what i'm saying.

Something about a tragedy, and about love: i don't think in the afterlife we get back to what we were . forward motion means what we have is the impression of what it was, although you can choose to reexperience things as reevaluation-- but you take a great risk. Memories can be erroneous the truth might not have been wanted. hmmm. One brain has regrets, in my experience, one absolves, forgives and lives. I try to have mostly forward motion but if i've been an idiot acting out habit and instinct for awhile, and suddenly i wake up to it, that's when regret wins. and then there's a lot of laying low, rethinking, navel gazing, a certain modest self rescue squad which can seem a little too antisocial. In the past it was just "comtemplative". Of course I've wandered all over the place. I'm hard on myself. Life is too short and it's always later than I think it is. But maybe that's too ambitious. I'm never opposed to being "pulled down", though. That's why i do the mucky stuff--- i can't escape being called 'amy' i should change my name to Eustacia or something like that i'm positive I'll be more evenly liked by others. 'Amy' invites distrust and risktaking sacrifice your friends, impressions or munchausen realities. Blah blah blah blah blah blah
what's it to you?
who go