raze i'm beginning to think dreams are most like life in the ways they're least like life. you are always becoming someone else. you're never who you think you are, and if you are, it's not for long. 150923
paste! i see them like chameleon tongues snapping out towards the black, hitting stale air but sometimes getting really lucky and snatching up some crazy jungle fly. the black clears up when i'm happier and the lizard can snatch up whatever the hell it cannot identify. sometimes awareness evaporates completely and i can't figure out the dream from the wish from the pit from the treehouse. 150923
raze man. i wish you wrote here more often. goddamn, you have a way with words. vanderfookin would be proud, if he hadn't waffle-ized himself in that tragic gardening accident all those days ago. 150923
paste! thanks man. a big part of why i come here is to your read your rantings and imagery. so hand job right back at you! i'm finding it better when i write if i just be honest and more relatable rather than rely on the subconscious and manufacturies. 150923
what's it to you?
who go