cr0wl there's something infinitely sad upon discovering a 100 year-old alberta spruce pushed over by this year's heavy snows. mr. brown wanted to cut her down but i was somehow able to talk him out of it. the plan is to get a turnbuckle, cinch it to another substantial tree in the woods, crank her back into place, and stake her for a year. 100326
PeeT and now, guess what? she is strong and healthy as a motherfucker! 121113
kerry one thing i couldn't understand about him, she said, was how he didn't want to die. there was always some part of me that wanted to die. not kill myself, but to just not be here anymore. to not be. and i told him that once--really, you don't have that in the back of your mind? you want to just... keep on living? and he thought i was so weird. but now, even though i miss him so much it tears me in half, i don't want to die. so i guess that's something. 230418
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