no reason skin pain. like, mild sunburny, pins-and-needles pain. along with fatigue.

the internet isn't good at making you feel like you don't have every illness.
flowerock test yer poops in a lab instead of testing your worries on google. I did, now I know I don't have all of the things that google helped me think I had and can now focus my google testing on "cebo" and specific bacteria... I'd like to afford an indepth allergy test. I trust in whole natural medicine, but when assisted with laboratory tests and trained eyes and hands of naruropathic doctors, it is far better than google... but google is free-ish and doctors of any kind are hit and miss... am I really getting better or just hurting less than I was? if i had more self dicipline with food and life style I might not need doctors or googles. 140301
flowerock This brings to mind two songs by The Faint, Symptom finger and Paranoia. 140301
n o m allodynia? 140302
n o m (something i get) 140302
nr more like paresthesia (these things have such fancy names)

but i'm hoping it's just from polar-vortex weather, vitamin deficiency, etc.
Risen From giving up smoking - a sore throat. That's kind of ridiculous. 140302
n o m ah 140303
n o m right i know that one too, yeah 140303
n o m allodynia is a type of paresthesia, but all parestheias aren't allodynia, and then there is dysesthesia 140303
what's it to you?
who go