epitome of incomprehensibility
Google Translate of Edgar Allen Poe's "Annabel Lee." See here for the real poem: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/44885/annabel-lee (Languages: Chinese, Portuguese, Turkish, Hawaiian, Irish, English) ... Annabel Lee EDGAR ALLAN POE It was a year ago For the government at sea Daughter of someone you know Annabel plays Lee; Women are different I love it and I love it. I also have children. In this kingdom of the sea But love is love. Together with her and Annabel Lee Angelic love of the six wings of heaven love I ignore him and me. That's why it was so long afterwards. In this kingdom of the sea A breeze blowing from the clouds, chill Annabel Lee Hanohano; So are your older brothers coming? It will grow. Keep it in the cemetery It is the beach of the kingdom. Angels of consolation of heaven, \ t Not for myself and me - Yes - that's why (of course, In this kingdom of the sea The evening wind was removed from the clouds. Annabel Lee will be crying and dying. But our love is stronger than love. Among the elderly Among many people better than us, There is no angel in heaven in heaven. Satan is not moving under the sea I can separate my soul from my spirits. Linda Annabel Lee Because the moon is not watching my dreams Linda Annabel Lee The stars are not perfect, but I love eyes Linda Annabel Lee That's why I slept with you all. My baby and my baby In this wonderful lake, After her burial, the sea was around the sea.